Are you ready for the success roller coaster ride?

I think this may be true for some steps in the process of becoming successful in online business. However in my opinion the "Journey to Success" as a whole resembles more the ride in a roller coaster than a comfortable ride over a straight road.
The journey to success is one with ups and downs. There will be moments when you do feel like jumping in the air for joy but there will also be moments where you feel like falling in a deep hole and that you are tempted to give up.
During the years I have read a lot, attended seminars and spoke on skype with many online marketers. Most of them pretty much tell the same story:
- that they made big (sometimes costly) mistakes
- many made misjudgments in people and opportunities (this happened to me too)
- many at some point were tempted to give up
- although there are marketers that earn a good living from affiliate programs only, the majority of successful online marketers own one or multiple services/products
- although there are free ways to earn money it is also true that it takes money to make money. Most successful marketers invested their first earnings in their business.
- most had challenges: areas to explore that were out of their comfort zone
But also
- that by trial and error they gained valuable insights and skills
- they got help sometimes from unexpected places
- they achieved things they used to think that were hard to achieve
- they found wonderful people that became partners and even close friends
- my personal believe is that all what you give will get back to you tenfold either positive or negative.
What they all have in common is that they have the same mindset:
They all have the mental power to overcome hurdles and to turn something negative in something positive and to look upon things that did not work as a valuable lesson.
As for success, what is it?
Unfortunately most starting marketers measure success only in $$$ and sign ups. When those don't come fast they feel that either they failed or it is the fault of the program being it a scam and they jump to the next program. I agree there are a lot of scam programs are the one that joined it. I fell for some when I started but instead of grumbling about lost time and funds I educated myself to recognize them better. That little step was one of the crucial ones of becoming successful. There are many little steps that ultimately lead to results that can be measured in money: learning new skills, setting up a business plan, defining short term and long term goals, find reliable business partners and associates, building a trustworthy online presence, learn time management, learn budgeting and many things more. Obviously that takes time and hard work. Having a dream and passion is the fuel that helps to stay focused and overcome hurdles.
Conclusion: Often the very first question in articles and publications is: what must a newbie do to get started. I think a better question would be: should you start an online business? Do you have what it takes to take the ride on the success roller coaster? Do you have the patience and the time needed to build your business? If you need money to pay some bills fast it is probably better to search for an extra off line job.