All you need to know about the ghee making process

Posted by Mitun Mukherjee
Jan 25, 2021

The traditional ghee making process is also known as the desi ghee making process which has been known for centuries in South Asian countries like India and other Middle-Eastern countries. This traditional process is called the Ayurvedic method for preparing cow milk flavored ghee.

The process making ghee is the purest and time consuming one. If you are familiar with the procedure of making butter, then you will easily understand this Ayurveda process of making ghee from milk as the ingredients used for churning are almost the same with both the processes. The basic ingredients used in both the processes are cow milk. 

Although this traditional ghee making process has its own community in India and some people follow it with curd. The milk cream or curd is churned for making butter. The process of making ghee from milk which is prepared through this traditional method uses the raw ingredients to make it. All you have to do is add this golden liquid ghee in your cooking recipe and taste its delicious and delectable flavor. You will not even mind spending some time making golden liquid ghee with this traditional and authentic process of making local and traditional Indian food.

However, there are numerous ghee manufacturers who use different ghee manufacturing processes to produce ghee in bulk. If you want you can make it at home or rely on a trusted brand for ghee for your daily use.


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