3 things to know about Background Checks

Posted by Adam Wright
Apr 16, 2018

“Before we go any further, you need to get a background check done” is probably something you’ve heard a few times if you’ve been in the job market for long. If not, this is probably new to you and you’re wondering, what is a background check?

 After going through your fair share of interviews, you’re asked to get a background check. Don’t feel alarmed, this is a basic procedure that needs to be done to continue the hiring process. In fact, if you’re asked to get one, it’s a good sign! Background checks cost money and they won’t waste money on you if you weren’t a serious candidate.

What is a Background Check?

A background check is actually more than just checking for a criminal record. It is a full review of criminal, education and financial records. Many industries require a background check before hiring, if not all do nowadays. A background check must be done for employees if dealing with children, the elderly and patients or if handling finance and personal information.

Public and private sectors like hospitals, schools, insurance or finance firms and others run background checks for new hires on a monthly basis.

The employer must request your permission to get a background check done and you’ll be asked to fill out a form with personal info. But for a more accurate, precise background check for the state or FBI clearance, it’s best to get a live scan done.

Why do you need to run a background check?      

In order for an organization to hire you, they need to make sure you’re not a threat to employees, customers or the business and this is by having you get a background check done.

When employers neglect to take the right procedures before hiring, this leads to trouble. The background check reveals any criminal activity such as violent acts or anything dangerous that can risk the business.

Also, false information is added on resumes or job applications more than we’d like to believe. If the employer only takes the applicant’s word about their qualifications without verifying it, this can lead to smearing the organization’s reputation with inefficiency.

All info mentioned must confirm what you say you’re capable of and have the claimed qualifications. This is done by going through employment history, verifying your college degree and so on.

If the background check is overlooked, this can lead to a caregiver with a dangerous record or a school bus driver with a bad driving record.

Where to get a background check?

In order to get a thorough background check, you’ll be asked to get a live scan done. A live scan is getting your fingerprints captured digitally and then electronically transmitting them to the Department of Justice or FBI to run background checks. In the end, results are sent directly to the requesting agency.

You can find many locations near you to get a live scan done; just go to Certifix Live Scan and find the closest location. Certifix has over 240 locations in the state of California with convenient prices that range from $50 to $72.

You’ll need to walk-in a location with valid photo ID and a request for live scan form that you can enquire from your employer. The results will arrive within 72 hours or less! If all goes through well, you’d be able to start your new job in no time.

Quick Tip: Be Honest!

It’s always best to be honest about anything on your record, no matter how big or small it is when applying for a new job. This will not only save you any awkwardness in the future but your employer will also appreciate your honesty.

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