5 Steps to Success

Posted by Allen Daniels
Apr 18, 2011
5 Steps to success.... 

1.   Initial Awareness.  This is when you just start the business.  You first discover that there is a better way than what you are now doing.

2.    Repetition. Repetition is the mother of skill. This is crucial for gaining new skills. You must take ACTION!

3.   Implementation. You're starting to see results of repetition and the new knowledge and confidence you are obtaining.  Learn something new with each experience.

4.   Total Commitment.  You now have the belief you need to be successful.

5.   Endurance. You do it over and over and over...  Remember, even in the endurance stage, you are still learning and growing.  Have you ever wondered why the leaders and successful people are at every function and training?  Learning is a never ending process

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