How to fill an MLM matrix with 2000 people in 30 days...

Posted by Allen Daniels
Apr 3, 2011

Delayed MLM Build Strategy

 by Allen Daniels

This white paper is an outline for a MLM build strategy that is both highly effective and very easy to implement. This strategy can be used on-line as well as off-line. It is especially effective off-line. An aggressive marketer can fill a normal matrix in 30 days.

The key to using this strategy is that you will need to have a couple of components built into your business and building activities.

  1. You must be promoting a product or service that is already desired and needed by most of the population. The people you do not sign-up as distributors will likely become customers.

  2. You must be highly hands on in your business building activities

The outline of the strategy starts with your warm market. Choose 5 people that you really want to help with either your business or your product. You may present to them all at once or one at a time. It is usually better to present to then two to five at a time. The diagram will look similar to this. Go through the examples and we will discuss the reason this works so well at the end of this paper.

You make your personal presentation to your first two to three contacts (usually friends or warm market)

For the purpose of this example we are going to assume that out of these two friends one is interested in joining you in the business and the other really likes what he sees' but wants to become a customer. We will focus on the friend that wants to join you in business first.

The first key is that you will not let the friend join you in the business. Tell him that you have a structured team build and “he is not allowed to join” but you know a way around this restriction.

Tell your new potential new team member that he MUST gather a minimum of 5 people to see the same thing that he just saw. Coach him so he understands that he is not selling anything and only wants to share the product that he just fell in love with.

(The next meeting with him and his people should be accomplished within the next 48 hours)

Remember that he Must have 5 people gathered for the meeting in order to join.

(meeting guidelines and tactics are discussed on another paper)

You then Repeat the previous process and present the product to your potential new referrals 5 friends.

After the presentation you can expect to sign up one to two people as distributors and the balance will likely become customers. Remember that your product or service is needed and desired by the general population and not just marketers.'

After the excitement of this meeting you need to sign up your first distributor into your business. Now you have one leg started with one person. Not especially impressive, but the magic is just now starting.

You tell your 2 new potential business partners that although you'd love to get them started, you can't because of the structured build of your team, but you know a way around the rules. You tell them that if they can gather 5 people to present the product to that you can probably get them signed up. You can only get around this requirement if you get it done in the next 48 hours.

What would this level of activity look like over time?

Lets look at what this model looks like over the course of 30 days.

# of Days

Number of people in 1 Leg































Before you dismiss these numbers completely, let's assume that you are only 1/16th as good as the example. You will still have over 1000 members in this leg of your matrix.

Remember you started with 5 people of your own. You can assume that only 2 of the original 5 people joined in your business and the balance became customers. The bottom line is that you would have built a down line of over 2000 members in a 30 day period using a warm market of only 5 people.

Do not forget you now also have in the neighborhood of 3000 retail customers in each leg of your organization that is significantly increasing your group volume as well as the word of mouth marketing it is providing to your business. These people will be re-introduced to your business at a later time and shown how they are loosing money by not getting paid to share the product.

Why this works so well and the associated risk of building an organization using this method.

Benefits of a delayed build strategy

  1. People cannot stand being told no, you can't join. There is a real fear of loss in play here. This will cause some people excessive anxiety until told how to get around the rules.

  2. You are seen as somebody that is not just interested in your referrals money

  3. You put your new referrals into cash flow within a week of their actually signing up with you. A person making money is not likely to quit.

  4. There is a viral effect as excitement builds around your team build.

Now the risk

  1. There is a risk that your new potential referral 'cools off' before he actually signs up into your business. I would submit that if he can cool off within the first 48 hours with the level of activity you are producing then he is not a person that you would want on your team anyway. Sign him up as a customer. You will always go back and re-energizer your customer base with another look at the business later.

  2. There is also a risk that you will be seen as not truthful for not signing up people right away. After all isn't this how all MLM's are designed, to get your money? This will only happen if you allow exceptions to the get 5 people to a product demonstration rule.

Possible disadvantages

  1. You are going to be very busy presenting everyday as well as several times a day

  2. Your team of new part time marketers may lack time to accomplish the presentations for their team although using the DVD example below will alleviate most of this concern.

Other Notes

  1. You will have to put the presentation into a video format so training presenters does not become an anchor to your activities

  2. The presentation video will need to be copied on DVD so anyone with a television and a DVD player can present the business. This eliminates the need for tech work and computers at the presentations. (other than signing up your potential partners) This can also be done on a piece of paper in most businesses

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Comments (6)
Allen Daniels

I hope you enjoyed it and perhaps can use parts of it to help build your business.

Apr 5, 2011 Like it
Dzul Mohd

networking biz

thanks alot...i learn something here.

Apr 3, 2011 Like it
Allen Daniels


I thought about my previous answer since posting it and thought I should elaborate on it just a little.

I think that the strength of the system is it really does not require much more than a couple of weeks of effort from your new members. It is designed to get that activity from the new members when they are still excited about building the dream.

Your 'go getters' will always strive for more business and better business partners.

Hard work? Yes, it will require some of eve

Apr 3, 2011 Like it
Cindy Bolley


Gotta love an outlook like that.
All the best!

Apr 3, 2011 Like it
Allen Daniels

Like any home business, not everybody will be the leader you would hope they are. That is why no plan or matrix will ever be filled 100% to plan. The best you can hope for is to help as many people as possible to live their dreams.

Allen Daniels

Apr 3, 2011 Like it
Cindy Bolley


Looks great on paper after all HHCTB?
The hard part is finding people who want to work as hard as you do and are able to have a vision as you do.

Please give us an update in 30 days May 3, 2011


Apr 3, 2011 Like it
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