I am proud of my wrinkles, I earned them!

Posted by Paula van Dun
Jan 16, 2011

"I wish I could be 18 again and start over, knowing what I know now"

I have heard that remark often, often from people that are unhappy about something.

Well, my life is not perfect either but I would not like to be 18 again. And I sure would not want to go back knowing what I know. LOL the only thing I would like to have back is my slim shape.

So why not?

  •  I would be a very strange unhappy teenager, my thoughts and interests would not match with others from this age group. I would feel very alone      
  • Everybody, especially if you?re older, has dreams and broken dreams. Everybody has taken decisions in his/her of which they think now, they were not the best decisions. So have I. Do I regret these decisions? NO! The shaped me to the person I am now. I would not want to be anyone else.

Sure my life was fun when I was 18 and I have many happy memories but I am feeling much happier in my skin now. I know where I stand and I love my life as it is know even if it is not perfect.

People need dreams, wishes and goals. It is the drive for personal growth and the key to fulfillment and self esteem.
You can't appreciate the sun if it never rains. So what can you do when it rains? You can either sob about it or get your umbrella and walk to the sun!

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Comments (19)
Oswald Rodrigues


Howdy, all you gramps and grans! Enjoy your holidays, wrinkles and sags notwithstanding.

Dec 18, 2013 Like it
Lynne Elliott Richar...

I'm 52 years old, married 33 years, have two children and seven grandchildren. I used to weigh 300 lbs and had a gastric bypass in 2001. I lost 150 lbs and have kept if off. I still buy Victoria Secret and Newport News clothes and have a grabber orange Mustang, the same color of the first car I owned, a 1976 Ford Pinto, which my husband and I cruised around in when we first met. I'm a Gemini and my spirit will be forever young, no matter how many wrinkles that will appear through my journey in

Feb 3, 2011 1 Like Like it
Budi Siswanto

Life is beauty

Jan 29, 2011 Like it
Esther Maria Rojas B...

very valid information.

Jan 28, 2011 Like it
Benhart Iwan

Very good information maybe useful for every one.

Jan 18, 2011 Like it
Etool Citi

Nice Information Share by you its useful to all

Jan 18, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


I am glad so many agree. When you see commercials it is all about being young and beautifull.

Jan 17, 2011 Like it
Barbara Young

E-Tailer/Director 501c3

Paula I couldn't agree with you more. There is no way I would want to be 18 again, especially in todays world. Things have change so much since I was 18 and not necessarily for the better. Going through everything I have in my past has made me the person I am today. Did I make mistakes? You bet I did, but I learn from every one of them. I believe that is why we are here in the first place. To Learn.

Jan 17, 2011 Like it
Erica S.

Internet Marketer

Great article. I enjoy being a little wiser and knowledgeable about life. It was fun being 18 but I don't want to repeat it. Thanks for sharing...Happy New Year!

Jan 17, 2011 Like it
Bruce Carter

Internet Marketing

Good article kinda funny to but i kinda know how ya feel.

Jan 17, 2011 Like it
John foster Willie

Good on you Paula I would not have it any otherway

Jan 17, 2011 Like it
Patsy j Payne

konnektions konsultant

Boy, do I have character...Tons of it. Thank you for bringing a laugh to my mind and heart. Oh, I did TU

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


WTG Patsy. And wrinkles give a face character

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Patsy j Payne

konnektions konsultant

Hey Paula,
I too am proud of my age. I do wish that I hadn't had chemo, I was very blessed in inheriting youthful skin, until chemo. Oh well, I'm actually blessed that I can witness the miracle of God in fixing my tumor so the surgeon could remove it on one piece.
I am proud of my experience wrinkles.

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

Hi Paula I am 35 yrs old now but when I was 18 people used to tell me all the time that I when I got older I was gonna wish I was 18 again. Well honestly I have never felt that way & I have no regrets about anything I look at life as a learning lesson & the experiences I have gone through in my life have made me become a better person.Thanks for sharing!

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Just to express a personal opinion Garold

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Garold Butzke

Avid clicker

don't know what your trying to do here, got my share of hard knocks too

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Thanks Fred. You interpreted the article very well. I would never trade wisdom for youth.

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
Fred Mugone

Health, Wellness, e-Business

interesting article. This is the first time I've seen some one writing something uplifting about Age - and at apsense of all places. To me, you are as old as you feel. Again as you age there is something that you aquire that is just priceless: wisdom

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
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