Assess The Heat Of The Fundraiser Using A Fundraising Thermometer

Posted by Tyrone Dawley
Dec 30, 2010
If you are queasy, you take your temperature to determine how high your fever may be. In the world of raising money for non profit organizations, the purpose of the fundraising thermometer would be to evaluate how many donations are coming in to help reach your established goal. This thermometer is displayed prominently for everyone to see and encourage more donations. If you are in charge of your fund raiser and want a great way to keep track of the incoming funds, you might want to try out the one used for years for this purpose. Never would Daniel Fahrenheit have thought of using his invention in this way exactly, but that is what is done these days. Of course, it's made not of glass but of non-breakable materials and a lot of paint, hopefully red paint as the money creeps upwards. These displays of a thermometer help to keep people motivated and directed for the goal set. It is exciting to, for example, drive by the display watching the red line move up as donations are put into the total. It can also encourage those who may not have made their donation yet to get a move on and get it done! Sometimes it can make an air of competition to become the one to put it over the top. Seen on billboards in the United States, the fund raising gauges are used by churches, organizations and even schools, to encourage people to add money to their diminishing funds. This money is needed throughout the year for their various activities. There are plenty of causes to select from and all are extremely worthwhile. If the thermometer is going to hang indoors, then poster board, pencils, and markers in various colors are fine. Using pencil, draw the shape of a thermometer, indicating in black marker, as well, the placement of lines for amounts of money. Put the bulb at the very top, being empty at the moment. As the donations pour in, color in progress with red indicating the appropriate amount. When the goal is met, the bulb at the top should be completed with red. If you are going to display one of these things outdoors, it should be made of wood, probably, to withstand the onslaught of weather. Waterproof paints would be a wise choice, too. Exactly the same techniques will be used as in the indoor display. Not only can you create enthusiasm for donating to your cause by these visuals, but there are also online versions to be added to your web site. Use all avenues for displaying your advertising as a thermometer. In September in the USA, a well known actor and entertainer uses the Labor Day weekend to boost money for "his kids". There's entertainment from a myriad of areas and millions of dollars are raised, each increment being announced by a drum roll before the digital fundraising thermometer is increased.
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