Is Holding A Lollipops Fundraiser A Good Idea
No one wants to do a fundraiser which barely breaks even, the whole purpose is to ensure that you are getting a good enough profit margin to not just make it worthwhile for you, but so that you are able to give a substantial amount to the cause which you are fundraising for. So many people want to do fundraisers they just cannot think of any ideas which they believe will be good enough. Many ideas may not achieve your desired result so its important to go back to basics. Think of things people of all ages will enjoy and want to participate in. One example of something that everyone will love is a lollipops fundraiser.
This is not a nickname of any sort, it is exactly what it says, have a fundraiser which sells lollipops. This may perhaps seem a little trivial but it can be a fantastic way of raising a little extra cash.
To attempt to attract more people to buy your lollipops it is important that you keep your sale price low. An increased profit margin can seem tempting but the higher you put your prices the less custom you will get, so lower prices can really boost your profits. And as you can purchase huge bags of lollipops for a low price there is no need to charge much.
You can really experiment with these fundraisers. For example if you wanted to do a raffle as well, more people are likely to participate when they are given a lolly. Or, if your fundraiser was for a purpose, for example breast cancer, you could sell just pink lollipops. The possibilities are endless.
It is important to look at your market and see where your fundraising idea may be best placed, a breast cancer stall may not be appropriate at a school event for example. But as a whole this fundraising idea is perfect for any event.
If you want to raise a lot of money for your cause do not just aim to do one event, aim to do any and all that you can think off. Lollipop fundraisers are great for; school fayres, business, school or local events or any special events, so why not try each of these?
Raising money is rewarding, especially when it is for something you care about. Do not rule a lollipops fundraiser out as it is a great way of raising money. Just think, for one bag of lollipops you could easily quadruple your money.