Introvert vs Extrovert
A medical company conducted a survey for a betterment of its newly launched product. Company has appointed a team of senior and junior employees. That team is further divided into small teams which comprises junior-senior or senior-senior etc combinations. In a stipulated deadline, all teams suppose to present analyse reports and results which surprisingly came out very positive.
Team which comprises introvert employees gave better report as compare to a team which comprises extrovert employees. There is a study report of a professor from Warton name Grant Adam which reveals, introvert people provide better result as compare to extrovert despite they are not out spoken or lead the team as extrovert do. But introvert is a reserve personality who speaks only when it is required. They give chance to other to speak and then analysis all aspects after that they practise the best suggestion. That's why introvert team gave better result as compare to extrovert team.
Extrovert people, when they start speaking, they never stop their talk till conclusion has drawn. Thus, they ignore other's point of view. In this manner sometime employees feel that they are not a part of the discussion and they did not contribute in company progress. If you really would like to become a leader then it is important to hear your employee's suggestion as well. In this manner you not only get a better suggestion but employees would also feel, they contribute in discussion and company's progress.
A CEO of fortune 500 company has decided not to speak in first 15 minutes of his meeting. He knows well about himself, once he starts speaking then other won't get a chance to speak so, he gives chance other to speak in first 15 minutes. It is a very good quality to let them speak first, because you will get chance to analysis other point of view and able to put your point of view in better manner in front of other. A good mixture of extrovert and introvert personality is called ambivert. Ambivert is an excellent quality to lead which makes you to become a successful leader.
Comments (20)
Gautam Jain
Thanks Bronnamdi, you are welcome.
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
I had seen the title of this article previously and ignored it. I viewed your profile and saw the title again and clicked this time. I am happy that I did.
Your article makes sense. I am happy I read it. I also saw the testimonial Philippe gave me in his response. Thanks, Philippe.
Clint White
Entrepreneur Extraordinaire
Balance as well as moderation is the key
Toni Schaberick
DePuy Hip Implant Victim
I hope the medical company you refer to is not DePuy Orthopedics
Joe Griffith
Profesionsl marketer
Good looking article whoever wrote this is super smart and knows what they are tlaking about
Ruby Chong
thank to this company have appointed a team fo senior junior employees
Raja Rajeswar Nunna
U could have improved on framing sentences rather than just re producing.. good work
Vladimir V.
This is a small Fraction
Of what You'll Get...
Akhmad Fitrie
i am a teacher, photographer and internet marketer
very good information, i like this and will chek it
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
@Gautam, nice work.
Also, it is always a good idea to take the time to read Sean's comments. He's among the people at APSense that know how to make money by combining his offline business with what APSense has to offer. I invite you to read his articles on business advice and wisdom. They are very interesting to read, and you'll find they're full of gems. :)
About quality writing in articles, also look for Nnamdi, his name appears as bronnamdi
Enamul Huque
SEO Specialist
Leadership is very difficult. We see most of the successful leaders are extrovert while most of the scientist and researchers are introvert.
Although rarely available, Ambivert is the best quality for a leader.
Gautam Jain
Thanks a lot Sean, I did it. I always welcome suggestions and practice the best suggestion. :) Thanks again.
Daniela De Martini
It is a difficult matter! Problems in view
Sean North
Hi Gautam, the same example has appeared in several business and marketing publications it is always best to credit it, it gives the article and yourself more respect and trust good luck Sean
Gautam Jain
@Sean All these things has happened at our corporate place, and as a manager we draw conclusions from our employees behavior, I love to read a lot that's why I support my conclusion by Grant Adam's study report and a small example of that CEO which I took from HBR (Harvard Business Review). Thanks Sean.
Lemont Wells
Web Desinger & Affiliate Marketer
very interesting to read the more we know the more we can do
Sean North
it was sa good article the first time I read it, pity you dont credit the author
Laura Newton
The Water Filter Lady
Yes.. we all need to learn to "listen" to others. We can learn so much about people, by not speaking, and letting the other person talk. Not sure its really about introvert or extrovert though. More like good manners.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Good information presented here. It is indeed a balance of both that makes a good leader.
Gillian G.
I like this.