I feel like Thomas Edison

Posted by Cindy Bolley
Nov 26, 2010
How many times did Thomas Edison fail before there was light
in that light bulb?

The story goes that it was on the 1000 attempt that the bulb lit up.
But the first 999 attempts were really not considered failures,
it was just that it didn't work
doing it the other ways.
You just gotta love an attitude like that.
For the past 4 weeks I have been working on getting light into a
light bulb... so to speak. I have been so focused my head hurts.
Finally it was time for the test. I did my best
I had everything in place just as I thought it should be.
With the agreement to myself that if it didn't work I would
let it go and simply MOVE ON...
I pushed all the buttons and went to bed.
I actually couldn't wait to get up in the morning to check on
my results. On the other hand... knowing that if the results
were not there I would be moving on.
I pulled up the website and...
CRAP... ZIP...  ZERO...NADA...
Gotta laugh, other wise I may cry.
4 weeks worth of work and not a thing to show for it.
Am I pissed?
Am I upset?
Am I mad?
Naw.. none of the above.
Perhaps "disappointed" is the word.
I know I did my very best and my brilliant plan didn't
work out as I had envisioned it would.
I deleted a WHOLE bunch of stuff and I have moved on.
Had I of NOT tried what I did I would have always wondered
if that particular plan would have worked.
Now I know, for me it didn't work. Not to say another time
another place. But as for now I am going to work on
something else.
I am NOT quitting...not by any means. I am looking at that
particular plan as one of those 999 ways that I was NOT able
to get light into the bulb I was working on. I am simply moving
onto #1000
I am going to take a couple of aspirin first.
I wonder how many
aspirin Thomas Edison went through?

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Comments (5)
Cindy Bolley


Your going to slap your head and say...
I knew that when I tell you.

How hard can that be?


Nov 28, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

What does HHCTB means ?

Nov 27, 2010 Like it
Cindy Bolley


Too funny.
Thanks guys...
I couldn't ask anyone for help.
I find it much easier to do it myself and then
back track
But in this case I have drawn a line
through it with black marker.
But... I will find the answer even if I have to go to

Keep moving forward and after all..

Nov 26, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I know what was wrong with your plan. You didn't ask us fellow ApSense members what tweaks it needed to be successful. :)

I'm following on Dawie's mousesteps. If he abuses one of your blogs, I will report him. It's time he stops writing great common sense advice to us. He should follow the others and write "nice site", "great information", or even better, "I know this opportunity, come here, join me, you will learn to make your mouse move just by the power of your thoughts, imagine, surfing T

Nov 26, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Cindy, what a post. Sorry to hear that your hard work did not pan out the way you hoped.
But i have come to know that you are a go-getter, so another lesson learned on your path to success.

I must go, i see there is 5 more posts by you that need some reading and comments. lol

Nov 26, 2010 Like it
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