Tired of moving pixels on a computer screen to get prospects?
Have 5,000 imaginary friends on Facebook who don't care about you?
Tired of playing pen pal and writing sales messages that no one reads?
Disgusted with low-quality prospects that are only ''lookers'' and waste your time?
Not enough good quality prospects = Stress!
When we only have a few prospects, we press, we push, we strain to make them join our opportunity. Prospects feel this pressure and instinctively back away from us. This leads to fewer prospects and the vicious cycle gets worse and worse.
When we have an abundance of prospects, we're happy. We are not desperately waiting for a single decision from a single prospect. We aren't married to the outcome of a single presentation. Instead, we're relaxed.
We simply share our opportunity and take the first prospects who volunteer and step forward. Now we're working with volunteers and we have more great prospects waiting in line.
Which scenario describes your career? Are you pressing and struggling from too few prospects? Or, are you simply accepting applications from the best volunteers from your large pool of quality prospects?
The solution is simple:
Comments (2)
Joy Dahabo
hello my dear am dahabo sheikh, please i would want you to contact me on my email i have something very very important to tell you, you really need to hear about it at (dahabosheikh@yahoo.com)
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
I agree 100% with what you say here and have been doing exactly that for years now with great success. It's even easier now that I only need two referrals to make $500 OVER AND OVER, so I can be very patient.