Why network marketing prospects are not interested in your opportunity

Posted by none
Jun 25, 2010

Giant ''disconnect'' in our brains -
by Tom Big Al Schreiter

The distributor complained:

''These leads are useless. I paid big money for these leads and when I call them, they all say they are not interested. Everyone!''

So I asked the distributor,

''When you talked to your relatives, what did they say?''

The distributor replied,

''All of my relatives said they weren't interested.''

I continued,

''When you talked to your friends and co-workers, what did they say?''

The distributor replied,

''All of my friends and co-workers said they weren?t interested. That's why I'm buying leads and looking for some hot prospects.''

Then I said,

''Let's see. You talked to your relatives and they weren't interested. You talked to your friends and they weren't interested. You talked to your co-workers and they weren't interested. You talked to leads and strangers and they weren't interested. So what is the common denominator here?''

The distributor frowned and said,

''Looks like the common denominator here is me.''

Let's review.

If our relatives, friends, co-workers and strangers all hate what we are saying, we don't need new people to ruin. We need to change what we say.

So ask yourself,

''Exactly what do I say in the first few sentences?''

Write this down word-for-word.

I find that most distributors can?t write down word-for-word exactly what they say. Instead, they just babble whatever seems right at the time, whatever comes to mind.

How can we train and duplicate in our downline if we can't write down, word-for-word, exactly what to say in the first few sentences?

Now, most distributors reading this will continue to stick their heads in the sand and avoid writing down these sentences. And this is where the giant disconnect occurs.

Because how often will we need these exact first sentences?

Every time!

It is not like this is going to sneak up on us. Every time we will have to start with some interesting first sentences.

So go ahead. Write down word-for-word the exact first sentences you want your downline to use when they talk to prospects.


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Comments (1)
Cindy Bolley


I am putting pen to paper NOW

Thanks for the nudge to do it NOW and
not to put it off till the need arises


Jun 25, 2010 Like it
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