How to evaluate any network marketing company

Posted by none
Jul 12, 2010

Do you ask yourself ''Which company should I join?''
If we are uneducated we tend to jump into the next best thing. We base our decisions
on hype instead of critical thinking.


Here are the 5 questions you have to ask yourself before you invest your valuable time and money into anything that looks pretty on the eye and sounds like music to your ears:

1. Does the company management have experience with integrity?
Do a Google search on the company owner, find out the company background.

You will be amazed at home many of these people have failed at previous business ventures and are lying to you about their results. Have any of these people been successful in network marketing or MLM. If the people running the company don't have any training or experience in MLM or network marketing, how will they ever teach you to run the business and build your team?

2. How long has the company been in business?
Prelaunch ''opportunities'' are popping up like mushrooms after rain. They are here today ? gone tomorrow. The fact is that 95% of companies don't make it after one year. Ask yourself ''Am I that big of a gambler?''
If your answer is ''no'', then look for a company that has been in business for at least 2 years.

3. Does the company have a remarkable product at a reasonable price? What?s the point in trying to sell something if you know that your competition has a much better price for a very similar product or service.
Ask yourself if YOU would buy that product if there was not an opportunity attached to it.

4. Does the compensation plan pay the part timer?
95% of your downline will be part timers. If they are not getting a decent check they will quit. You'll be spending your time replacing people that won't stay, instead of keeping the people that are already in.

Most companies pay five percent to the lowest distributors, fifteen percent to the middle ranking distributors, and thirty five percent to the top ranking distributors.  Use the compensation plan that takes the least amount of people to make the most amount of money.
Crunch the numbers.
Ask yourself ''How hard do I have to work and how hard the people I invite in have to work?''

5. Does the company have a simple duplicatable system for building your business?
If the company ''system'' is buying leads and/or make a list of friends and family run and run fast.
That is not a system, that's spelling F-A-I-L-U-R-E.
The company should provide you with a system that is simple and duplicatable for the average person.

With that said I hope your search has narrowed down? a lot.

Remember to look for a business built on solid grounds not for a house of cards!

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Daniela Riess
724 809 5579

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