Does this happen to you?
I really don't understand why they ask..
I have been working on the internet for a few years now.
I will get a Skype or an email from someone that I do not know and have never met.
They will ask me MY OPINION... or perhaps it is just a question.
I always take the time to respond because I remember how discouraging it was when I first started. I was lucky to be around a great group of people that were always there to help me with my silly questions. Gosh.... let me thanks them all now for their patience.
AFTER I respond they will come back with all these excuses or tell me that doesn't works. Or that they do not have time for that.
I got one the other day that really mad me angry. He asked me a simple question about Unique Hits. After I explain to him how they differ from regular hits. He asked me if I knew how hard that was to get Unique Hits. He had been doing this for 5 months and he had never ever ever gotten that many Unique Hits in one day.
Well that got my curiosity up so I had to ask.
How are you advertising?
He proceeded to tell me that he spent money everyday mailing out to a list. and that he had been doing it for 5 months straight. I wanted to ask how much it cost each time to send out but I really didn't want to know. I think it would have made me sick.
I suggested for what he was advertising TE's would be perfects. I told him that he even had splash pages ready to go or he could make his own.
He responded back that he didn't have time for TE's.
They took up way to much time.
Now I could have asked him if he knew he was able to use tab browsing and surf many exchanges at one time. Your able to build credits quickly in a lot of exchanges, just by setting up a few things properly to start. AND..... if you put your URL on a tracking link you will be able to know which exchanges work best for YOU.
This goes for safelists as well.
Knowing which safelist and traffic exchange works the best is important to know so that your able to use the ones that work and disregard the ones that don't. The ones that work for you might be the ones that you even want to buy credits in or do an upgrade.
But did I do that????? NO!!
I simply told him that that was my opinion on that subject and he must not need my input.
What would you have said to him?
I really don't understand why they ask..
I have been working on the internet for a few years now.
I will get a Skype or an email from someone that I do not know and have never met.
They will ask me MY OPINION... or perhaps it is just a question.
I always take the time to respond because I remember how discouraging it was when I first started. I was lucky to be around a great group of people that were always there to help me with my silly questions. Gosh.... let me thanks them all now for their patience.
AFTER I respond they will come back with all these excuses or tell me that doesn't works. Or that they do not have time for that.
I got one the other day that really mad me angry. He asked me a simple question about Unique Hits. After I explain to him how they differ from regular hits. He asked me if I knew how hard that was to get Unique Hits. He had been doing this for 5 months and he had never ever ever gotten that many Unique Hits in one day.
Well that got my curiosity up so I had to ask.
How are you advertising?
He proceeded to tell me that he spent money everyday mailing out to a list. and that he had been doing it for 5 months straight. I wanted to ask how much it cost each time to send out but I really didn't want to know. I think it would have made me sick.
I suggested for what he was advertising TE's would be perfects. I told him that he even had splash pages ready to go or he could make his own.
He responded back that he didn't have time for TE's.
They took up way to much time.
Now I could have asked him if he knew he was able to use tab browsing and surf many exchanges at one time. Your able to build credits quickly in a lot of exchanges, just by setting up a few things properly to start. AND..... if you put your URL on a tracking link you will be able to know which exchanges work best for YOU.
This goes for safelists as well.
Knowing which safelist and traffic exchange works the best is important to know so that your able to use the ones that work and disregard the ones that don't. The ones that work for you might be the ones that you even want to buy credits in or do an upgrade.
But did I do that????? NO!!
I simply told him that that was my opinion on that subject and he must not need my input.
What would you have said to him?