A new way to manage your promotions...

Posted by Ivan Golemdzhiyski
Jun 13, 2010
There is a new way to manage your promotions, grow your downline, and build your list ... all in one place. That place is Splash Page Surfer.

Matthew Graves, creator of WebBizInsider and TopTierTraffic,  launched a new tool for Internet marketers on  June
7th. Splash Page Surfer combines a top notch traffic exchange, downline builder, with the ability to send solo emails to your downline every week ... 6 levels deep!

Matthew's been working in Internet marketing for over 10 years and running traffic exchanges for close to 9 years. He knows what works and what doesn't! Now you get
his tools for your use.

Splash Page Surfer also has the largest database of promotional material for all of the top traffic exchanges, safelists, viral list builders, ebooks, and other tools.

They have hundreds of splash pages, banners, and text ads preloaded into their system so you can manage all your promotions without copy and pasting urls from one site to another.

You just choose the program you want to promote and point and click on the image of the ad you want to run. It is the simplest and neatest way to setup your promotions.

I joined on the first day and wanted to immediate check if the traffic will flow f-a-s-t...
You bet...
I love it!

To your advertising Success,
Ivan Golemdzhiyski

P.S. The downline builder that is integrated into this program is first-rate. Make sure you enter all your referral ids for the Recommended Programs. These are the key
tools for Internet Success.

(Its good idea to surf all 
Matthew's sites all together - this way i got about 2400+ credits a day surfing!)

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