Social browsing - Sweeva was born

Posted by Ivan Golemdzhiyski
May 6, 2010
Image It's so hot - Jon Olson and team is launching a new traffic exchange called Sweeva, 48 hours ago - and you know that's a HUGE deal, so get in fast!

Maybe you are a member of big number of traffic exchanges, but this one is DIFFERENT! It has the potential to be the most important traffic exchange you will
ever join.

Let me explain...

On this one, every single surfer sees the same page at the same time, and they
can chat and comment about the site they see in real time.

As an advertiser you get access to those chat records and comments... and that's
pure GOLD!

Because you can make instant changes to the pages you are advertising, based on
real time feedback from the people you are advertising too.

This is split testing on STEROIDS!

And trust me... This kind of testing and applying the changes is the difference
between a few bucks and huge income.

I can't praise these guys enough for this very welcome innovation to the TE industry.

If you use this the right way, you're going to see a big INCREASE in the response to your TE advertising.

Think about it...

1) You get instant feedback on your sites in Sweeva.

2) You apply the suggested changes

3) Conversions go through the roof on all the other TEs your are advertising on.

That means more money in your pocket instantly... Instead of having to wait weeks and months to see if something works... and usually you would just be guessing anyway!

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Comments (1)
Kh. Jwmwi

Blogger, Web designer

Trffics are the best tools cntres for online business.The more Traffics the more business in success! S, don'nt wait ! Get it today!!!

May 7, 2010 Like it
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