Clipmarks - save and share your favorite clips online
Since i've found Clipmarks (bookmarking service) i cannot resist
to use and enjoy it every day.
With Clipmarks you can easily mark and save any online content
for seconds. It's a bit limited in terms of characters (up to 1000)
but you receive very convenient way to share blog posts, articles,
videos etc.
In addition you could use "clip to blog" feature to put the chosen
content right to your blog and add a comment.
Another extra of this amazing service is the integration with another
similar sites like "Amplify". What i mean is the ability to post your
clips to a number of bookmarking sites Tumblr, Posterous, Plurk,
FriendFeed, Diigo, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook automatically
with no extra work.
You could even get a widget with your clips and put it on your site
Using Clipmarks and Amplify would be a very wise decision,
a cross road of having fun and building highly reputable
backlinks to your site (or what you share).
Oh, i almost forgot - it's 100% free!

Enjoy and Succeed,
Ivan Golemdzhiyski
to use and enjoy it every day.
With Clipmarks you can easily mark and save any online content
for seconds. It's a bit limited in terms of characters (up to 1000)
but you receive very convenient way to share blog posts, articles,
videos etc.
In addition you could use "clip to blog" feature to put the chosen
content right to your blog and add a comment.
Another extra of this amazing service is the integration with another
similar sites like "Amplify". What i mean is the ability to post your
clips to a number of bookmarking sites Tumblr, Posterous, Plurk,
FriendFeed, Diigo, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook automatically
with no extra work.
You could even get a widget with your clips and put it on your site
Using Clipmarks and Amplify would be a very wise decision,
a cross road of having fun and building highly reputable
backlinks to your site (or what you share).
Oh, i almost forgot - it's 100% free!

Enjoy and Succeed,
Ivan Golemdzhiyski