Happy Mothers Day

Posted by Susan coils
Mar 2, 2008
It's Mother's Day here in the UK. And after having received my cards and flowers I thought it would be nice to wish the rest of you mothers out there a happy day.

Remember this is 'our' day! Don't let the kids or the men take it over.

If they don't spoil you, then spoil yourself! And if they're expecting you to conjure up something special in the kitchen to celebrate 'your' day, check out the tips below. (these were sent to me by a friend)

Delia's Way
1)To keep potatoes from budding place an apple in the bag with them.
2)Wrap celery in aluminium foil when putting in the refigerator. It will keep for weeks.
3)Cure for headaches - take a lime, cut it in half and rub on your forehead

The Real Woman's Way
1)Buy instant mash. It keeps in the cupboard for up to a year.
2)It could keep forever. Who eats it?
3)Take a lime, cut it in half, and drop it in 8 ounces of vodka. Drink the vodka. You'll still have the headache but won't give s**t!

Now go on and enjoy your day!
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Comments (1)
Beth Schmillen

Happy Mothers DAY!!

Mine didn't require the lime but now that you mention it? maybe next year!

May 19, 2008 Like it
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