Anyone Else Notice Apsense's Page Rank Here?

Posted by Susan coils
Feb 29, 2008
I just noticed that our groups/blogs home page has a Google page ranking of 4. Has anyone else noticed this?

Just goes to show that Apsense is making it through the tough times I guess.  If we can get the members to post increasingly useful content here then that page ranking will only get better. And that has got to be good news for all the members.

I would hate to see the hard work that has gone into Apsense go to waste. The majority of our members came here to network with other like minded networkers. In the process we have made many friends and learned a whole lot.

I can hardly believe it's been almost a year since I joined Apsense. Thinking back to how 'green' I was then the change in my attitude and business sense has meant I hardly recognise 'me' anymore.

I never knew such things as SEO, HTML, Pageranking,(and more) even existed. I just joined business after business, hoping to catch the one that would catapult me to instant riches. LOL.

Of course now I know the 'instant' only comes after the hard work has been put in. After learning about how to market, how to advertise, how to optimise, and most importantly of all, How To Help Others.

Because that's what Apsense is about. That's what networking is about. Being friends and helping each other.

And Google obviously thinks the same way. She ranks the importance of our discussions and blogs as 4/10. And we all know how hard she is to please!

So give yourselves a pat on the back friends. And keep it up.

See how long it takes to get the page ranking up to 5!

Let's keep climbing the Google mountain.


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Comments (1)
Beth Schmillen

Hi San!

I think you've discovered something here about APSense that a lot of us has forgotten ...

APSense has rank on Google!

Maybe it's time for a revival ...?

May 19, 2008 Like it
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