The Newbies Guide On Hubpages

Posted by Susan coils
Feb 23, 2008
Hands up if you've never heard of Hubpages. Me neither until a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, just got round to checking it out today and I have to say it's pretty goood. Made my own 'hub' on a 'newbies guide to making money online' and it only took about 10 minutes.

basically, you sign up and create 'hubs'. Works a bit like squidoo or myspace. You can create one hub or several. You can earn from amazon, adsense and ebay ads being displayed on your hub. And you get to network with all the other 'hubbers' out there.

The great thing about hubpages is that I think Google must be in love with it. My hub was listed on Google's first page within minutes of being published! Now, that's got to be good for business.

Suggest you all check it out folks. Totally free and really simple to use.

 Newbies Guide on hubpages

Have fun with this.

I'm off to spend some time dancing. See you next week.


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Comments (1)
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

I like Hub Pages and have been a member for some time now... I really enjoy the story of the kid who founded the company, and I wish him well... Fun and intrigue in the 'Whirl" of start-ups.... :)

Mar 19, 2008 Like it
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