(Imortant) What are the 3 Steps to Becoming Successful?
There are many ways to become very successful in your
business. Part of what you do to become successful
depends on the level of success you want to reach.
You can ...
... Buy a business that is already successful and
simply maintain it.
... Drive more traffic to your websites, allowing
you to make more sales.
.... Create new products that will result in more
However ...
Regardless of which option you choose, there are
specific skills you absolutely must have in order to
achieve the success you desire.
Before you can even begin focusing on the skills you
need, though, you must first put yourself in the
mindset of an expert. Only once you consider
yourself an expert will other people think of you as
an expert as well.
In order to achieve success, this mindset is
"How do you know what to become an expert of?"
You must first ask yourself ...
... What is your passion?
... What is it that you are great at?
The answer to these two questions does not
necessarily have to be the same. But, whatever your
answer may be, you must pick only one of them as the
area in which you will become an expert.
When you are able to FOCUS on a specific area, and
"become" an expert in that area (at least in your
mindset, anyway), you will achieve success even
... FOCUS is ESSENTIAL to your success!
You must take the time to decide what it is that
you are most interested in doing. Once you have a
pretty good idea about what THAT is, then research
the market to see if it's big enough to make any real
money starting a business in it.
Consider each possible market very carefully. Your
GOAL is to locate the BUYERS and then merely provide
them the products they are already purchasing.
Once you KNOW you have a market that has great
potential, then you must improve the skills you need
to succeed.
Where can you learn EVERYTHING you need to improve
your skills for success?
STEP #1. Visit The JV Announcer where we have listed
the current and upcoming JV Giveaway Events. The sites
listed are from all the top marketers online. These sites
will save you tons in terms of time, m'oney, and even
stress, in learning the skills essential for success.
STEP #2. Browse thru The Giveaway Sites. Find
titles that will help you right now and products that
will help you later.
STEP #3. Actually USE the products that you get in the
Giveaway. Downloading them and leaving them on your
hard drive will NOT improve your skills at all. You
must TAKE ACTION on the knowledge you gain in these
fantastic products!
I know this is NOT a simple formula. Do not let
yourself become overwhelmed by the volume of
Simply break all of the information into sections and
work on one area at a time. This will make it SO much
easier for you to achieve the success you desire.
Remember ...
* This is a process.
* It's a process that takes hard work, drive, and
* You must summon the courage inside you to achieve the
success that you want.
* You must proceed with CONFIDENCE!
* You must KNOW that Anything is possible!
As you go through this process, I recommend you drop by
The JV Announcer often and get all the f'ree
gifts you want.
The sooner you start, the sooner you'll succeed!
The JV Announcer is where you will find
the knowledge you are looking for. You'll find topics
in several niche areas and in several different
Think of the ebooks and software as your gifts for
Don't forget your friends and associates! Email
the URL for The JV Announcer or just forward this
email to your friends and contacts too!
If you're a member of a forum or social networking site,
share this awesome giveaway information with them
as well.
LOOK FOR my next post with more tips and suggestions
for your success .... I'll also include IDEAS on ways
to capitalize on using these great products.
Wishing you much holiday cheer and success in the New
Happy New Year!
Terry Simpson
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Comments (1)
Beth Schmillen
Hi Terry,
Enjoyed reading the 3 ways to success.... and happy new years to you also!