A Few Affiliate Marketer Tricks of the Trade

Posted by Terry Simpson
Nov 13, 2007

Successful affiliate marketers usually have a bag of tricks up their cyber sleeves that help with their marketing and sales efforts. Not actually tricks, per say, but preferred methods, some of these work well for some Internet marketers, some work better for others. So experiment to see which ones work best for you and your campaigns and promotions.

1) Even though the affiliate products may come with their own sites, you may want to set up your own website as a central base for all of your promotions. This site will help bring prospects and clients back to your site instead of that of your affiliates Plus it can definitely help in cases where the affiliate products are discontinued or sold out, resulting in dead affiliate links or redirects to entirely new products or simply the affiliate’s own website.

2)  You may want to set up a niche blog for each niche category of products you are selling and then link the blog to your main web site above. On the blog, post articles, comments, digital photos and other images, audio / video clips, text snippets and other information about your products, with each post linking to the product sales page through a banner, classified of other type of ad. Invite blog visitors to contribute and interact for example, by posting comments and by completing surveys.

3) Set up a leads capture form with an autoresponder learning series of messages about your products for your website visitors. Invite people to sign up and receive a freebie, like a free report or guide about your products. Then insert an ad spot with sales link at the end of each message in your learning series.

4) Create short classified ads inviting people to sign up and get your freebies and read your blogs. Add these classifieds with links and autoresponder email addresses in your emails, forum posts, blog posts and other communications, online and off. Add them to your business cards, postcard, newsletters, flyers and brochures.

5) Seek help continually through forums, articles, ezines, magazines and other media for your affiliate marketing needs so that you can keep up to speed, growing your strategies as technology advances. Seek help in your niches, too, to keep up with information in your fields of interest. 

6) Network with others to team up on joint efforts. You could promote to each others lists or create products and campaigns together, for example.


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Comments (2)
favour namogo

seeking for love

I'm just browsing now and found your profile
on www.apsense.com and it captured my interest i
decided to drop few words to you,I miss favour
by name,please contact me through my email box
(favournamogo@yahoo.com)for more introdution,
and also i will send my photo to you,remember
age or distance does not matter,what matters
is the love we share with each other.
i hope to hear from you soon.



Feb 26, 2012 Like it
David Schupbach

Good stuff Terry, I think I am doing most of them, but I'm too erratic with it. Your blog reminded me to be more consistent. I guess Classified ads is my weak point, although I have used Craig's list, Press Mania, OBO, anda few others. I am working on two or three today.
I have your blogs subscribed into my RSS feed, and saw this, just wanted to pop in and say Hello! D

Nov 19, 2007 Like it
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