Affiliate Marketing and PPC

Posted by Terry Simpson
Nov 20, 2007

For many affiliate marketers, pay per click or PPC is a cost-effective means of targeted Internet advertising. Here is how PPC search engines work.

These search engines place your listings online and then rate them based on bids. In short, whoever bids the highest amount moves to the top of the search engine. Hence affiliate marketers bid against each other to get higher rank for their targeted keyword ads. 

The second highest bidder follows number one with his or her ad being placed underneath the first ad. Then the third highest bidder follows underneath the second’s ad, and so on.

Goal is to strive for the first page in search engine searches. Of course any of the top placements would be best.

How Affiliate Marketers Make Money with PPC

When someone clicks your ad in a PPC campaign, you pay for that click – whatever amount you bid, like 50-cents per click. However, note that as an affiliate marketer, you are only paid when people buy the products that you are promoting.

In other words the product seller, is not going to be reimbursing you for your PPC payouts. So make sure you have funds to cover this type of marketing and set budget limits until you learn and are very familiar with it, or you could lose a lot – fast.

However, some people set up web forms to capture and harvest leads for follow up emails so that they can increase their closing ratio over time. Their autoresponders hooked up through these forms send out messages regularly to make more money by trying to: cross sell, seek referrals, make back ends sales, up-sell and more.

So there are many ways to earn money from PPC campaigns. Just make sure you have money to cover clicks up front. Budget and monitor accordingly.

Features and Benefits for Affiliate Marketers

There are a couple major benefits with PPC campaigns. First, you get tracking links in your PPC ads, so you can monitor stats at any time to tweak your ad copy and check site clicks and conversion rate.

And second, the more targeted the ad, the more targeted the lead. You pay per click, so you may want to not use words like “Free” in your ad copy unless you are seeking sign ups and feel this will get the results you seek. Freebies only attract freebie seekers and not true buyers to your site. 

For more information I have an e-course about affiliate marketing. You can get it by going to

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