Top Resources for Gaining Internet Marketing Knowledge
Top Resources for Gaining Internet Marketing Knowledge
by Debbie Ducker
Basic knowledge of Internet marketing and how it works will be needed regardless of what niche you have decided on for earning money on line.
Once the decision has been made to try and earn a living from home on the Internet then everyone has to begin somewhere. Whether you have been running a computer for years or just got your first one and are not even sure how to turn it on yet.
Depending on what you choose to do, you will need to learn skills on various levels such as how to fill out a simple form for advertising what you are selling to possibly learning how to create and upload web files to your hosting server.
Getting the knowledge you will need can be as simple as a search on one of the major search engines. But you will need to know where to start with your search.
Below you will find some of the top resources I have used to learn the skills I needed to earn money from the Internet.
Ezines - This was the number one place I started. You will find a host of quality ezines that can give you much needed training from the basics to the more complex areas of Internet marketing. Begin with the top marketing majors that have been there and are already making a living on line. You will know them when you see them. Most are highly advertised and can easily be researched to have been in Internet Marketing for some time. For example I began with the Internet Marketing Center's "Marketing Tips Newsletter" (The top training resource in 1997 and continues to this day at being one of the best knowledge sources for both beginners and pros alike). This of course was just one of about 5 I read faithfully each time it came out. Don't overload yourself in this area though. Keep it to a few so that it does not dominate your time.
Forums - Another very good place to start. Plus a top benefit of this resource is you can join your choice of topic related discussions and ask specifically what it is you are trying to gain knowledge in. Benefiting from targeted training in that area. Stick with popular, high membership forums, which will increase your chance of getting the help you need quickly.
Training Courses - This resource can be in the form of an extensive training courses to something as simple as a free report. I have learned tremendous profit generating knowledge from both. Some of the simplest reports will surprise you with little golden nuggets of knowledge that you might not find any where else.
Mentor Training - By definition this is "A wise and trusted counselor or teacher". Again you will know one when you run on to one. Once you do latch on and never let go. They can be one of your most valuable resources for learning what you need to know to succeed in your area of marketing. While there are many ways of getting mentor training and usually is in a one on one environment. There can be different levels of this and doesn't necessarily have to be face to face. Take some of your best affiliate programs for example. View their back offices and you will find a host of information personally from the owner of that program. As well as the top ezines you belong to. This type of training is more on a personal level then you may have thought it was. They are teaching you based on what they have learned and how they took that training and used it to succeed with reaching their own goals.
Sites you have purchased needed services from - For example your web host will or should have extensive tutorials on how to transfer files from your computer to your hosted server via FTP, what program is best to do this with, and in some cases specific step by step instructions on how to do it with each of those programs. They will also cover everything from setting up your email accounts for various email software to how to unzip files and so on.
In conclusion I think it is important to state that no one can do everything. So stick with your strengths and don't overload yourself. Do what you are comfortable with and leave what you aren't, comfortable with, to the experts. If you can design a good site and get it up, but are overwhelmed with how to advertise it, hire someone to do this for you. That is their niche, free yourself to pursue your niche and let them handle what you don't have time to learn. Get good at what your strengths are and you could easily find yourself being hired for your expertise in a given area.
That is the beauty of each of us having individual talents.
Sincerely, Debbie Ducker
------------ About the Author ------------
Debbie Ducker is the owner of
And author of many articles and How To marketing
materials. Get her free report on building and using
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