What to do before an affiliate program abandons you...

Posted by Debbie Ducker
Jun 24, 2007
Did your affiliate program abandon you?
by Debbie Ducker

Tired of joining affiliate programs, then working long hours to set up full blown ad campaigns for them and bringing in new members, just to find out the site is no longer there?

I am sure, just like me, this has happened more than once to you. Nothing is more frustrating when you are working on-line as an affiliate marketer.

Unfortunately it is a fact of Internet Marketing, we have to accept. Programs can go down nearly as fast as they are put up.

What can be done about it? While it may be out of our hands to stop the owners from shutting down, there are a few things you can do to soften the blow when it does happen.

1. To begin with... research what you join. Find out how long they have been in business. If new, try to find out how many members it has. Are they filling up quickly? This could mean they have a quality product, worth selling. Decide if what they are selling has staying power. Contact support and make sure that they can be reached easily and do reply to you. Just to name a few ideas. Many factors can decide whether a program, new or established, will make it or not. A tough call to make. But at least consider a few things about the program before putting too much effort or expense in going full force with advertising it.

2. Then most importantly, after you decide on what programs to advertise, use cloaking or tracking links so that you can change your active promotions to a different affiliate program URL.

3. Use advertising copy that is somewhat generic. Especially if you are taking the time to create a lead capture page or a sales letter type web page for a specific affiliate program. Make it as general as possible so that you can easily edit it to fit another similar affiliate program. Minimize using the name of the affiliate program and describe it as generic as you can using highly searched for key words pertaining to Internet marketing. Avoiding, where possible, being too descriptive about the product, incase the program you change to sells something else. At the very least create the lay out so the vital information such as program title, description and any images can be easily changed to fit a different program.

4. Keep a hard copy of your down line information on your own, in a note pad or similar document. So that you can easily reach them with any information you may have about the program shutting down and also let them know you are still there. The program owners may not care about what happens to the members after they shut down, but remember your down line is one of the keys to your success in any affiliate program. Always treat them well and help them no matter what program comes and goes. They will learn to trust you and will most likely follow you for a lifetime into anything of quality you end up promoting.

5. Keep your original receipts of any payments made to your affiliate programs for products, upgrades, etc. So if entitled to a refund you have proof you did pay.

Doing the above will not only help you save time and energy but will ensure you will not lose contact with the members you worked so hard to bring in, and that you will get any money back that is due to you, when you find yourself abandoned by one of your affiliate programs. Using the right layout for your ads will also make it easier to create new ad campaigns on the fly for any program you choose to promote.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

------------ About the Author ------------
Debbie Ducker is the owner of DuckerPromotion.com
And author of many articles and How To marketing
materials. Get her free report on building and using
an opt-in list here: http://freereport1.duckerpromotion.com/

This article may be used free as long as all links stay as they are. Feel free to use your own Ducker Promotion affiliate links in the About the Author section.
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