How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?

Selecting a Business Should Not Be Difficult

by Karen Weir Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Karen Weir Committed Local Internet Advertising...
Personally, I believe that so many fail in online due to false expectations. I think those false expectations are possibly a result of all the hype and BS that was (and still is to a lesser degree) prevelent on the internet. Claims of instant riches, while still out there, are fewer and are more often ignored by people who have been online for any length of time.

Anyone considering starting a network marketing or internet business, needs to understand that there are certain skills that they will need to acquire or delegate. In other words, if you aren't going to learn how to perform a necessary task, you have to hire someone to do it for you. In either case, there is going to be an investment of time and a cash investment. There is no free ride, and people are often disappointed and disillusioned when they join a business that claims they will not have to do anything.

In order to remain motivated to learn you have to have a BIG reason. You have to be passionate about your product, your service, your business or you will give up. It is your passion that gets you through the rough spots, and there will be rough spots. There will be days that you just don't feel like doing your work, but you must. Your passion will motivate you to get the tedius tasks done.

As a student of the Science of Getting Rich, more specifically, the Law of Attraction, I believe that choosing your business really should be easy. You should not be rushed into thinking that time is limited, or that if you don't act on an opportunity that you are not 100% sure of, you will miss out. When you are inspired to take action, you feel good about your decision. You may have some doubts or fears, but generally, you should feel excited, motivated and eager. Fear is a natural reaction to action because you are often moving outside of your comfort zone and taking a risk.

Doing your due diligence is of course, necessary. There are still many programs out there that make false claims and all hype. Eventually these types of programs will fade away but you should be able to thoroughly check out any business before joining it. You wouldn't buy a brick and mortar business without asking alot of questions and seeing evidence of profitability, and you should not on the internet either. In my opinion, if you take your internet or network marketing business serious, as serious as you would in the offline world, you will choose carefully, and work hard.

Karen Weir
Find Your Match
Jul 3rd 2007 16:19

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Karen,

I have read and reread your subject post. And have finally taken the plunge to reply.

In one subject you have just about covered ALL the bases on how to choose a suitable programme!

4 subjects for the price of one!lol

Recognizing BS for what it is - BS
Training and business organization, delegation and costing
Self Motivation
And of course DUE DILGENCE

As you wisely comment - just as if you were running a business offline.

Because a home business online is just that - It requires you to be a self employed businessman or woman, and all the same principles apply, whether you choose to work part time or full time. The fact that you do it on a computer and not offline is simply a question of style.

Thank you for some timely advice
Jul 8th 2007 17:40   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Good points from both of you.

We have been discussing these same ideas on the Focus Society of Overachievers.

You may enjoy downloading past episodes.

All of us are in BUSINESS
want to be.

Don't forget the first most important requirement according to the US Congress and the IRS....

Have a writtne Business Plan, File it and bring it out for review Quarterly...
Just think you are then eleigible for 157 deductions if needd...
Assuming you follow the other simple rules.

I offer an extensive Library of this information.
Call me
or drop me a mial here or Outside

Let us Propser together
Jul 17th 2007 17:51   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Ouch -

yes another reminder from Chuck that online and offline businesses really have to be treated in the professional way in order to succeed.

And of course that does include conforming the the legal requirements of the business - including the Taxman . it is too easy to "forget" these obligations - but very expensive if you get caught out for being so absent minded! lol

As the internet grows and more and more money passes through it, so will the internet departments of all the authroities in all countries..

So it is timely advise to us all that a business is a business and forewarned is forearmed!

Jul 18th 2007 19:33   
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