Voice of a Well-Scarred Marketer

Still Looking. Still Searching. Only Being Cautious

by Dave Cottrell Internet Marketing Professional
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing...
Hi folks,

Thanks to a member of my team for the idea for this article.

It seems that many, many people are doing the first two online, these days. Everyone is furiously looking and searching for that one, big strike. (Sounds like the gold rush days, doesn't it?)

The problem with this approach is twofold.

First of all, while you're looking and searching, you're not making any money. You need to realize that that sudden, perfect, huge nugget isn't easy to find, and while you're digging furiously on every spot of ground you can find that hasn't already been turned up, another person is quietly panning for gold dust in the creek beside you, and making several hundred or more dollars per day doing that!

The first rule of business is, find something that YOU can be REALLY interested in and knowledgeable about and work with that. You will never be successful doing anything you hate or know nothing about. Those internet hucksters who pass themselves off as gurus love being internet hucksters who pass themselves off as gurus and are very good at it! They could sell sand in the desert and convince you that it was something you absolutely had to have, because...

You're not following rule number two! Rule number two is, BE CAUTIOUS! Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Never fall for the counter showing you only a few hours left before the deal of a lifetime passes you by. It will still be there tomorrow, AFTER you've had a chance to seriously think it over, and at that time you'll probably realize that it's really nothing but sand.

(Those countdown time limits are nothing more than simple scripts designed to suck you into making an emotional decision on the spur of the moment. Trust me! Find one, clear your cache and cookies the next day, and go back to the site. Guess what? You'll find the same clock with the same number of hours left as the last time you visited. It's a trick I consider to be very unethical.)

There are a lot of "legal" scammers out there, and you don't need to be one of their victims. Look for what you're interested in. Search carefully for a business you can enjoy and be proud of. Be cautious and think things through. Then create a plan, get going, and stick to it!

God bless,

Jun 29th 2007 03:35

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Dave,

You are so right. The problem is that people join the Internet because they hear that a fortune can be made over night and they want to believe it.
This is why the hucksters as you call them (my name is somewhat stronger) manage to suck so many in.

The problem is that those of us that are honest and tell them it will not happen over night and are truthful often have a difficult time getting things going.

I read a lot of posts in APSense and on other sites as to how you can join do nothing and the money will roll in, and I cringe and ask myself why people fall for these blatant lies.

The Internet is the same as the real world, “NO WORK NO PAY”, if you want to make money then you have to work for it.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 29th 2007 06:27   
Donna Soffen Advanced   Jerky Direct/Super6Power Team
Amen! There arent really any get rich quick businesses out there-you only get out of it what you put into any business.
What I like to do is to contact the people & ask them to honestly answer me if they truly are making the money that they claim that they are - or are they just writing down what they were told to say? The majority are NOT making it but they are hopeful that it will happen - without them having to do too much "work"! If they are making it then I ask them how long it really took for them to get to that position-did they bring over a downline or did they build it basically from "scratch"
It really does make it a lot harder for those of us who have learned the ropes & are willing to work hard for a few years to try to build our teams with people who are also willing to work for the money!
I also hate the "join now before it passes you by" comments! Having a "sale" or a time limit on a special deal is one thing - but telling someone that if they dont join right now they will miss the boat--well maybe that is one boat that they really do need to miss!!
Any business worth being in & taking the time to "work" you really should be able to join at any time. Like right now I have a contest that I am in that closes on June 30th but its not gonna be the end of the world if someone really needs to wait a few days or weeks or even a month or two before they join! I just wont get the point for the contest - but hopefully I will get a great business partner later on because I didnt "force" them into anything that they werent ready to join!
In MLM's, as with any business we really need to LIKE what we do not just love it-because as with life & love-if we truly LIKE something then when the stumbling blocks of business come along (& they will from time to time) we will always be able to fall back on the true reason that we joined a business & we can rethink, & rework our presentations to fit the times!
Donna Soffen
Jun 29th 2007 11:21   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Bj,

It seems there was once a grasshopper who fiddled all day and sang something about the world owing him a living while the ants worked like crazy to get ahead.

The grasshopper had a great time until he realized too late that he was broke. Then he froze to death...

People do the same thing all the time on the internet. It's rather weird that they can't make the jump from what doesn't work in the real world to what doesn't work in the virtual world.

As you rightly state, it's "NO WORK, NO PAY," no matter where you do business.

Unfortunately, people all over the world are buying into the instant riches nonsense, as can be seen by the huge volume of ticket sales for lotteries. I wonder if the day will ever return when people will realize that life without work is boring!

God bless,

Jun 30th 2007 03:31   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Donna,

Good for you! You seem to be one of the few who has figured it out. You are also in an excellent business.

One thing that is SO important for those who are building downlines is to develop the correct mentality. That is, you are NOT looking for just anyone to join YOUR business. You ARE looking for business partners who will compliment YOUR business, rather than hinder it.

Trying to build a huge downline by sponsoring anybody who happens to come along is like running down the street looking for partners for your store. That's NUTS and would ruin your business.

Similarly, when you're building a downline, avoid going after huge numbers; instead work on QUALITY numbers. Rather than trying to sell someone on joining your business, make them sell themselves to YOU! Put the onus on them to convince you that they'll be an asset to your business. If you follow this practice, you'll have a very active (and profitable) downline.

God bless,

Jun 30th 2007 03:37   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
I tend to agree with every word here, often rung true and truer.

I took a look at a website the other day, then I met the person, he tells me he never made a dime and asked for help.

Its so true, all these shiny wrappers to tempt, also alot of them remade products.
The essence of thinking they don't rely on, but the emotional side, showing the family, showing the cash, showing happy people blah, blah blah, hype and more hype.

I always say anything worthwhile in life is going to be a bit of work, then you know you've done it right. Also when you see them jump and jump its scary as we all know the time & effort for just one business. They seem to think its not the real world, but ah they are scarily fooled.

There are quite a few good businesses and some just hype. Pity we cannot put a meter on every site good<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>.bad meter.

Lol if only.

Jun 30th 2007 03:58   
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