Marketing Advice

How would one go about pulling downlines from many memberships into one list?

by Leonie Easterbrook Network Marketing
Leonie Easterbrook Senior   Network Marketing
I have been online since the mid 90's and have dabbled in many systems and programs and as a result I have accumulated a number of referrals and downlines which I would like to bring together in one list. Does anyone have a method of doing this?
Nov 16th 2012 18:28

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A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
Give them all a reason to subscribe to your mailing list through a Capture Page, make sure you offer something valuable as Gift
Nov 16th 2012 23:50   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
I agree with A S Kumar. But do bear in mind your current lists will be sensitive to any direct niche change... it really depends on how you want to manage your new list and with which topics.
Nov 17th 2012 22:32   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Well my answer would depend on your reason for pulling them into list. You really only have two options in situations like this, and A S Kumar gave you the first one already.

The second option is a little more tricky, but will save a lot more of your list if you know how to do it. Contact the owner of the program you built your downline in, offer them a reason to give you a cvs backup of your downline from their database (if you know how to work out deals and have something of value to offer, you can preserve a large amount of your downlines you would otherwise not carry to a new list).

If you can get the cvs files, just upload them to your autoresponder.
Nov 17th 2012 23:54   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
I hate to say it but isn't obtaining a .cvs file of contacts rather 'black hat'
And would not that company run a risk of releasing such information
I know its information of personal down-line but to suddenly get a bogus email outside of the norm runs a risk ... give the peeps the option
Nov 18th 2012 00:22   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Trev, log into linkedin, go to the contacts >> connections tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page past your list of contacts. Click export connections. Save as a cvs file.

Is that blackhat to you?

I am not suggesting anything blackhat. All I am saying is give the program owners reason to give you a cvs of your downlines.
Nov 18th 2012 00:31   
Steph Pearman Senior  Internet Marketer
Seems like a good idea to me Bruce:)
Nov 18th 2012 01:30   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
The E-mail service I use, which requires Double Opt-in, allows the importing of a list.
They message is VERY clear as to WHY the are being asked to Opt-in to the New List.
Typically we have 80-90% OK the transaction..the ones that don not probably would never convert anyway.
Then manage those lists in segments.
Moving people up into lists as they respond to various Calls to Action.
We send different announcements to proved paying customers, depending on level of spend, than we send to "prospects"
50 years ago I learned existing , satisfied customers are much more valuable than New customer...
But one must keep the pipeline of prospects full because of the circumstances that change people's lives.
Nov 18th 2012 03:01   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Leonie you don't say how many contacts you are talking about or what your current personal relationship with them is. It could be as simple as setting up a group in gmail and adding them to it, which can handle up to 500 with no cost.
Nov 19th 2012 09:27   
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