Marketing Advice

From 0 to 5 in 6

by Bruce Bates Cooperative marketing
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
THIS IS A LONG TWO PART POST (check the second part in the comments)

You will notice the post is called "from 0 to 5 in 6". The reason I called it that is I am going to share with you MY marketing plan. Its a plan that can take you from nothing to 5 figures a month in 6 months. Whats best, I am not going to recommend you any business or service that costs any money. You decide what you want to sell or refer people to.

Here is how it works. There are 5 major social networks - linkedin, google+, twitter, pinterest, and facebook.

First start with linkedin. Create yourself an account. The first thing you need to do with your linkedin account, is make connections. That is fairly easy. Go to google blog search, type in any topic that interests you and then after the topic type in "linkedin", and search for a few blogs. Start visiting some of the blogs and look for a linkedin connect button. If tht blogger doesn't have one, go to the next blog. You want to connect with about 30 bloggers. Do this for two or three days straight.

You want a minimum of 25 people in your linkedin connections and then what you want to do is goto your inbox, click the invitations tab, then look for the section on the page titled "People you may know...". Under that section click on "see more people you my know".

Start clicking on the "connect" button for every person you see. Do this until you can't add more people for the day. Come back the next day and do it again. Do this every single day. Everyday more people and new people will appear in the list. If you ever run out of people to connect with - just wait one more day. Do not stop doing this practice until linkedin tells you you are not allowed to send any more connection requests (don't worry you can still accept them).

At the same time you are doing this on linkedin, you should be doing the exact same thing on facebook - only with facebook, don't send more than 15 connection requests to people each day.

One linkedin after you have 1000 people create a group. Make sure your group is targeted toward the topic you want to brand yourself with or the product or business. You want the people who join your group to be interested in the topic at hand. After you create the group start sending group invitations. I believe linkedin has a limit of sending 30 group invitations at a time, but you send in alphabetical order and remember the last person you sent a request to, and send to everyone of the 1000 people you re connected to. Just keep sending requests to groups of 30 at a time.

Every single day, log into your group, and start a post, and reply to any new comments on your existing posts. Every time you get another 1000 connections, send out more invitations to your entire connection list.

Now with facebook when you reach 1000 connections instead of a group, its time to create a "page". So create a page geared toward your business and/or brand.

Now after you have the above mentioned complete its time to set up your twitter, google+, and pinterest accounts.

First look into some plugins to connect all your accounts together. Mainly you want to connect google+ and pinterest to twitter. and you want to connect twitter to linkedin and facebook. This way any post you make on google+ or pinterest, appears on twitter, linkedin, and facebook.

After this is setup, go to google news. Search for a few topics relating to whatever you want to brand yourself for and save the searches (I have linkedin, twitter, facebook, google, google+, bing, and yahoo as my saves searches).

After you have your search saved, click and open 10 different articles about different topics. Copy the article links to your google+ account and send them out. Send out 10 every single day. This means you always have fresh late breaking news coming to your stream from a mix of quality news sources - thus great content people in your industry will want to follow.

Next go to google images, type in some of your keywords and find some cool images and start posting them to pinterest. Just like on google plus, share about 10 every day of the week.

Do these practices everyday. Do not connect with anyone on Google+ twitter or pinterest unless you know them personally and/or they add REALLY high quality content to your stream. Don't get suckered into people who post to many pictures of their family or such things.

After 5 months get yourself some sort of membership site. It can be anything really and the truth is there are both free and paid scripts to be found all over the internet to make this possible. You can make a simple web-based forum, a blog, a traffic exchange, banner exchange, safelist, text ad exchange, matrix, club, or anything else.
Oct 30th 2012 14:43

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Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
After you get a site setup that can allow members - type up an email in notepad and save it. In that email you want to say "thanks for being my connection....... I recently started a new website about xyz and here is what I do on my website and why it may interest you.... if you want more details let me know and I will send you a link.... we havn't really talked one on one before can you tell me a bit about you and what you do...." DO NOT ADD ANY LINKS! NO REALLY....

Start sending out that email. First send it to all your linkedin connections 50 at a time. By this point you hould have quite a few thousand. Take a screenshot of your new website and upload it to pinterest. Type up a post about it and post it to google+.

Every month change what your email says.

Also make posts on your group mentioning your new website and what it does and how it benefits your group members.

Expand on your marketing by joining new sites.

Its really that simple folks.
Oct 30th 2012 14:44   
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
This is what I'm talking about!!! You on fire! Now just getting people to act.
Oct 30th 2012 19:51   
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
Linkedin is where the real money is people it's where the big players hangout. I can say I do websites for $1,250 and get without a problem for example.
Oct 30th 2012 20:11   
Micah Wallace Committed   OWNER
This is an Excellent Article it really hit home to me and I sure once people take the time to read this amazing article they will learn how easy it is to turn your 0 Income into a 5 or even 6 Figure income by simply APPLYING these steps ADSactly the way it is stated.
Nov 8th 2012 17:23   
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