How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?

I promise....

by Graham Hunt
Graham Hunt Advanced  
I promise to try to control my (apparently) sick sense of humour in this group Jenny.
Okay, my reason for choosing the first program I am with is because the philosophy of the founder of the program fits my particular philosophy like a hand in a glove. Basically I am not all that concerned about the products. It is more of serving as a means to an end- to make the world a better place.
The second program I joined, only in the last few days, I admit was to make money. But as I think about why this particular program and not another, the main reason is that it was quite simple in its basic premise, the founder comes across as just a fellow human, rather than some guru on high who is doing me a real big favour by even acknowledging my existence and I could grasp something of the vision this man has for this business. It is logical and I could get hold of it in the first run through of the program, unlike some where you have to be a contortionist to fit yourself into what the program expected. Being of simple mind I don't even bother with anything like that.
I feel a joke coming on, so I'd better finish off for now.
Jun 24th 2007 09:05

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
OMG Graham -

A joke free post (although i am glad to see you mwere able to maintain your usual humours tone!)

You said it - you chose your first programme because you felt in harmony with the philosophy of the guy that runs it - ok you're not worried about the product (!?) but it looks as if you are happy with it because it suits YOU.

And it is imoortant for you to relate to the people that run the programmes you join.

Believe it or not - there are people who LOVE those programmes that are really Houdini like in their complexity - so I guess they will fit better there than you and I! lol

I am convinced that the part of "FIT" is behind a great deal of success in internet programmes (as in any other work)

Take care and you'd better less us hear the joke anyway - now you have everyone curious!

Jun 24th 2007 14:44   
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