Spams-what to do and not to do

Spams are disclosed through the IP-adress

by Mattias Kroon
Mattias Kroon Senior  
Sometimes I hear that the subjects with internet security are boring to some and that they want to hear "the good news instead".Of course we want to hear about the good news, but one has to tell the truth about what´s going on concerning internet security.I think that everyone of us has been attacked by a spammer or some kind of fraud.We try to be cautious, but it´s enough to show your photo of yourself, and show your emailadress.

Then someone can try to steal it for bad purposes and spams.Identities are the most common trend for criminals to abuse.So, what to do?
You can send a report, and your IP-adress should show who you are.They try with everything, these criminals, but they can´t hide their IP-adress of course.

So, shall we avoid to show our faces? Shall we avoid giving out our names?

No, how could we make business then, but we can do what we can to proove our identities.If an email isn´t verified from someone´s IP-adress, it´s false.

Believe me, serious business requires the highest safety, so this will be the next MEGATREND in this busines!!
Jun 22nd 2007 09:45

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Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Great post and some very valuable information! I am with you on the not showing our face etc, I wouldnt be able to do any business at all if I had to hide all my info! I am extremely careful of emails and I also use several different email addys, one for each business and one for personal email which seems to help. Thanks a bunch!

Jun 23rd 2007 08:41   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
Thanks Collette!

Yes, we have to be smart to be ahead and not after the criminals!

Jun 24th 2007 15:26   
Curtis Dunn Advanced   
I agree with you for the most part.

However, I think you really mean SCAMs are disclosed through the IP-adress.

Like you said in the introduction of this group, SPAM is simply an unallowed message which someone sends to you. In marketing online, we all occasionally send at least some emails which someone feels they did not allow. To them our message is considered SPAM. I will discuss in another topic, how we can avoid sending real SPAM or anything which people may consider SPAM.

Let's get back to the SCAM's. A SCAM is when someone illegally tries or succeeds in taking something from someone outside the bounds of what was agreed to be given. Be it money or your identity, SCAMmers will try to get it. Many times, they will use SPAM to fuel the progress of their SCAM.

Now to the point of using the IP-Address to identify you and the person(s) you communicate with. Well, which IP do we want to go with? The IP of the email account that a message comes from? It's in the header of the email and yes, this can tell you that the email came from the correct account that you know. But what if a SCAMmer PHISHed that email to lure you into a false sense of safety?

Let's go a step further and look at the IP of the computer that accessed the email account to send you the email (Not easy to get this info). What if it's different then the IP used on the last email your friend sent? Not necessarily a problem. Most internet providers don't provide a static IP and quite a few legitimate business people use laptops with free wireless stations as they travel.

I'm close to the end of the allowed message length, so I'll discuss some better ways of stopping the SCAM's in another thread.
Jun 25th 2007 08:52   
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