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by Abdul Rehman Online Advertisor
Abdul Rehman Professional   Online Advertisor
Sir can i make a brand page for my blog?
Jun 24th 2012 02:48

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Don Dousharm Committed   Entrepreneur, Publisher
Hi Abdul, You can but I think there a few points that need to be clarified first.

1. Branding is for a business. If your blog is the main source of your business then that is something you will want to develop further.

2. If you decide to pursue this further make sure that your brand name matches your business name and your blog.

Abdul I have visited your blog and may I suggest you buy a domain name and start talking about the offers you are involved in. PTC is fine but just putting a group of banners up and driving traffic to that list does not make a business alone. You need to commit so much more.

Branding involves so much more than what you think. You want people to trust in the product or service that you offer then you have to develop a name that people will be willing to tell others about....

I suggest reading more and researching before diving into something that can be very complicated. Anyone can throw up a site and say come and click on my banners but it takes time and development to create a service for people to want to come and click on those banners because they trust that you are going to help them create an income.

See what I mean? Please take the time to really think about what you want to do...
Jun 24th 2012 06:15   
Abdul Rehman Professional   Online Advertisor
Hi Don.
your post is so much help full for me.
thanks you so much for this guidance and yes, you are right.
i much follow your points.
Jun 24th 2012 07:46   
Don Dousharm Committed   Entrepreneur, Publisher
NP Abdul.. Lots of people want to make money but you really must educate yourself and take the time to develop a strategy and you will see rewards from it. Start shaping a site and build your brand. If I may give you another tip, Don't quit on your idea instead shape it and build from there...
Jun 24th 2012 09:45   
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