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FYI: Two minor bugs has been found

by Kristian H. GOT Team Cofounder
Kristian H. Professional   GOT Team Cofounder
First I'd like to thank everyone for supporting us. Especially those of you who have postedsubject or email support about the 2 following bugs. Without your help we wouldn't have been able to find the problem so fast.

Here are the 2 bugs that are being fixed as we speak:
1) Add Contact Request feature is not resetting the allowed amount every 24hrs.

2) Post Bulletin to your Network feature is also not resetting the time interval allowed.

Both bugs are due to a simple script error. We know how to fix the problem according to the programmers. Also according to them it should be fixed very very soon.

Thanks again for your support and sorry for the convenience.
Please bare with us on system errors/bugs as you guys know every site needs a little time to adjust and fix problems.

May 20th 2007 23:57

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GOT Team Magnate II   
rejoice - 05/21/07 18:13 Report Unrelated Comment

I just posted a bulleting through Apsense Express
and it went grey, told me it's posted and now
won't go away... Why?

What should I do as I can't close the box or
Apsense Express?

Hi Rejoice,

Free members are allow to broadcast bulltins once every 3 days, VIP once every 2 days and Parnter once a day. Your Post Bulletin will turn active(not grey) when the time interval is reset for you to post again.

May 21st 2007 19:19   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Have you downloaded and installed the latest version of APS express?

The way to tell is if the notice at the top of the post bulletin window says "You can post once a day" then you need to get the updated version.

To install the new version.
Exit from you currently installed APS Express then download and install from the site again. open up the new one and check the notice at the top of the post bulletine window says Notice Free members can post every 3 days VIP members can post every 2 days.
If it does your update worked if not
close and exit then go to uninstall programs in your control panel and uninstall APSence Express then reinstall the new version.
May 21st 2007 19:28   
Kristian H. Professional   GOT Team Cofounder
rejoice - 05/21/07 18:13 Report Unrelated Comment

I just posted a bulleting through Apsense Express
and it went grey, told me it's posted and now
won't go away... Why?

What should I do as I can't close the box or
Apsense Express?

My rejoice,

My apologizes... I had a closer look at what you said and I found that their is a problem. Seems a minor update this morning caused this problem.. in any event we are on it. It will should be fixed by the end of the day.

Thanks for letting us know Rejoice!
May 21st 2007 20:04   
Rafael Colorina Committed   
Hi Kristian,

You and your team are doing a wonderful job. Great site!!!!

May 21st 2007 20:51   
Harry Joseph Committed   Marketer and Profesional Magician
I just had another signup Mary (onmyway).My honor points was supposed to go from 15 to 16 and it never changed.
Please fix this problem.I want to build up points as soon as I can.That is why i am bringing my downlines from my other programs over here.

The Bug is still with us.
Harry Joseph

May 21st 2007 21:18   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
The bug is between your ears Harry, previous posts told us it only updates once a day, be patient.
May 21st 2007 21:25   
Harry Joseph Committed   Marketer and Profesional Magician
Old Buddy or whatever. That isn't the way to respond to a comment.
I would never say a thing like that to you.
So I missed that post. I am not perfect like you.

You don't know me. You have a bad attitude Old Buddy!
May 21st 2007 21:36   
Kristian H. Professional   GOT Team Cofounder
I just had another signup Mary (onmyway).My honor points was supposed to go from 15 to 16 and it never changed.
Please fix this problem.I want to build up points as soon as I can.That is why i am bringing my downlines from my other programs over here.

The Bug is still with us.
Harry Joseph

Hi Harry,

We have been meaning to update our FAQs to make it more clear that we honor points are updated once a day. For this apologize to you, and we take full responsiblity.

As always we also appreciate the support from our users.

May 21st 2007 22:49   
Brian Morin Advanced  
If you don't already know, the editor runs of the right hand side of the window.
May 22nd 2007 17:04   
Robin Altman Innovator   
There is no button for adding a myblog or a mybulletin on this website. However, the ad copy seems to point you to install apsense express to add those items.

This brings the question about other blog's that I have - will content from another blog site be sent here via myblog or does the myblog only pertain to the blog(s) on apsense.com?
May 22nd 2007 20:21   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
1. How to post my Blog?

In "My Account", click the link "My Blogs" in the right side.
Here is one "Post Aritcle" link in my page of blogs.

2. How to post my bulletin?

Please use Apsense Express to post your bulletins.

May 22nd 2007 21:04   
Nick Sym Innovator  
Hi Kristian,

I am a newbie here but have been doing a lot of looking around You and your team are doing a wonderful job. Great site!
May 22nd 2007 23:42   
Matthew Prince Freshman   People Over Profits
You should give your programmers a big pat on the back. With the release of VISTA, a lot of programs just will not run. I'm running Vista home version and have had 0 problems to date. Great Job!
Jun 3rd 2007 17:28   
Elaine Innovator  
Tanks Rafael for inviting me to Apsens Express. I think it wil be profitable and fun.
Jun 3rd 2007 21:34   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Thanks for the info! APsense is wonderful and no matter what 'bugs' you encounter....I am still enjoying my stay very much!

Jennifer Sasser

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Jun 3rd 2007 21:48   
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