Business Round Table

How do we know if a program is scam or legit?

by Tut Z. Awesome Income with Forex Trading
Tut Z. Committed   Awesome Income with Forex...
I often read of a program that is said as scam, however there is no explanation in detail about what is scam, how is the criteria, and how to anticipate a scam program. I'm just wondering if someone know about all this and share in the forum. I think the more we know the more we have knowledge and how to deal with this kind of thing ...
Nov 23rd 2010 04:08

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The only way to find out is through doing your due diligence. The biggest red flag is when you see the internet overrun with affiliate pages but their is no 'corporate' page. The 'company is hiding behind a who is guard. There is no reason for a legitimate company to hid their details. Hidden details prevent you from doing you due diligence.

Other than that let me refer you to this quiz I also recommend joining the group the whole aim it to help people avoid being scammed.
Nov 23rd 2010 06:15   
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