Creative Writing

Creative writing in another language is a challenge

by Paula van Dun Retired
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I like writing since the time I went to school and had to write essays. I was the only child that shouted "Hurray" when we had to write one as our homework. Most children hated it.On the way home I was already thinking about what I would write. At home I sat down and wrote it. I never had a grade lower than 8 (rating goes from 0-10 in the Netherlands) and one time I had a 10. Unfortunately our puppy dog ate that essay so i have no proof.I have a vivid imagination and I like to play with words. In Holland there are comedy shows during carnaval where amateurs entertain the public. I did that for some years and wrote my own texts. Of course this was all in Dutch.
 Writing in another language in a creative way is much more challenging. I do not know all expressions and onliners. Sometimes I can not transfer the Dutch idea in English words.
I am planning to use my vacation to read some parables I can use. Or maybe i will try to think of new modern fairy tales like "The Spamanions" that Sheryl wrote lately.
I will also start making notes of funny stuff from real life I can use. If I do not write it down I will forget it. I men something like Dave wrote "Spam, spam and nothing to eat".
Anyway I hope to learn from this group. 
Nov 21st 2010 17:45

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Dave Gilbert Senior   Web Entreprenuer
Paula you will do fine here and be a great asset to the group often we forget that translations can be difficult for non or poor english speaking people i know from my experiences dealing with a dutch realtor client that sometimes words cannot express the foriegn concept and it's in times like that i revert to an international language of pictures that convey the message i am trying to get across
Nov 21st 2010 19:36   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Funny, I'm more comfortable writing in English than French, especially for marketing. It would feel awkward for me to try to sell information and give good content about the subjects in IM. My brother-in-law, who knows I'm trying to build an online business, said a few weeks ago, "next time we see each other, I'll explain the IM concepts like SEO". He sid it in French, or course. I can't even remember what the French equivalent is for the acronym SEO. :)
Nov 21st 2010 19:42   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Paula I understand what you write perfectly
Nov 21st 2010 19:50   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
@cheryl I know people understand it but my objectice is to write more interesting and funny like you and Dave.
Nov 22nd 2010 04:31   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Believe it or not Paula, usually the humor or the expression you are using comes through in your writing.
Nov 22nd 2010 07:20   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Yes, but they come to me in Dutch LOL
Nov 22nd 2010 07:27   
Dave Gilbert Senior   Web Entreprenuer
images Paula are always a good way to inject a little satire or humor either way they help get the message across lol
Nov 22nd 2010 07:36   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Yes, images are a good aide. I have started collecting ones that are funny
Nov 22nd 2010 07:39   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I think what I saying her Paula is that you point comes across clearly and the humor also comes across. Your posts are uniquely-Paula.

You objective should no be to change anything but to hone and develop your own personal style of writing.
Nov 22nd 2010 07:44   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Well writing in English in general is a bit less difficult since I have had more practise now. But is sometimes disturbing that I have to look up words all the time. Words come to me as I am writing and I hate to stop to look something up. It interupts the flow. Now at this moment the perfect solution for this issue comes to my mind! I will just write words/expressions I need to look up in Dutch and look them up later. This way the flow won't be interupted.
Jan 14th 2011 17:21   
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