Quality Content Writers Group

This group has been dormant for too long

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Way back in the day, you know back in the prehistoric time when APSense was just starting out, There were two groups on APSense.
Group one wrote quality blogs and posts.  They shared information and they were great writers.  Group two posted spam links everywhere they went and called them blogs and topics.  So one day, one of those prehistoric APSensers got the bright idea to create a group where those writing quality content could gather together and share their efforts and the Quality Content Writer's Group was born.
There was no telling what would be posted here.  The variety of members meant the content was a varied and diverse as they were.  Some of them even came up with words so profound, the the group had to create a "Qoutes" thread to save their wisdom for future generations.
Now fast forward about four years.  To modern day APSense.  Some of the older members are gone, moved onto whatever they are doing today.  Some of us Cro-magnons and Neanderthals are still around, still writing quality content.  But now there's a whole new generation of quality content writers.  It's time to breathe new life into this group, so I'm inviting all you young'uns and rug rats to to join us and let your creativity have free rein here.
Oct 24th 2010 09:16

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
this group should weed out the chaff from the corn two idiots already booted. I would recommend that the admins be reconsidered as a number of them are not active any more.
Oct 24th 2010 10:01   
Luigi T. Senior   marketer
Group one wrote quality blogs and posts. They shared information and they were great writers. Group two posted spam links everywhere they went and called them blogs and topics. So one day, one of those prehistoric APSensers got the bright idea to create a group where those writing quality content could gather together and share their efforts and the Quality Content Writer's Group was born.
Oct 24th 2010 10:02   
Ha li Advanced  Web Designer
Oct 24th 2010 10:10   
Branislav Malogajski Senior   
Oct 24th 2010 10:11   
Faraz Shaikh Senior   SEO, SEM, SMM
I have joined the group , that way we know that the prospective member is somewhat active on the site
Oct 24th 2010 10:14   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Three more in the Hall of shame luigit for plagiarizing the original post, hali for placing a spam link and malogajski for posting complete nonsense Goodbye! Next!
Oct 24th 2010 10:17   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Yes I am going to do a little something on that end too,Bj
Oct 24th 2010 10:18   
Von Myers Advanced   Internet & Marketing
Good to hear how APSence all started.
Oct 24th 2010 10:19   
Tony Dy Senior   networker
ottimo eccellente tutto ben fatto complimenti
Oct 24th 2010 10:21   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
@farazshaikh-I'm tempted to give you pass in exchange for the laugh. You really put put some effort into winning the top spot on the name and shame list! you plagiarized two posts and combined them to make your comment!

But not quite tempting enough sorry! Goodbye
Oct 24th 2010 10:24   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
@lottomediale all comments etc MUST Be in English on this group. I will give you a pass...this time
Oct 24th 2010 10:25   
R. Weatherly Magnate II   Business Professional
Thanks for the story telling lesson, welcome back to the land of the living
Oct 24th 2010 10:26   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thanks, this group was a great way to not only work on the writing skills but also for developing some good friendships
Oct 24th 2010 10:40   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Well, here is another Fossil showing up for Re-Birth. By the way I run across David (MoRambler) on Facebook. I think he is finding some more internet Time.
Must stretch brain to find some quality Content..ain't it fun getting old?
Oct 24th 2010 18:59   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I also have been in contact with David on FB. He kind of made me admin here since really no one else was active except for Joe. and Jenny pops up from time to time but since I was still consistently active here I am.

Yes the dinosaurs are coming out of hibernation Chuck. Jurassic Park, The APSense version!
Oct 24th 2010 19:27   
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