Ethics in business

Kooday Postpones Launch? Oh no...

by Deejay B. N/a
Deejay B. Advanced   N/a
Ok, I hate saying this but I am starting to feel a tad bit uncomfortable being a member of Kooday now that they have postponed the launch and the 'problems' they have and had earlier.

In theory, if things are further going on the verge of totally wrong, what could I do according to Canadian law, or whatever law is applicable to this situation, to make sure I receive the 1500 dollars and of course preferably also the 250k I calculated to receive in 'Snap Shot Bonus'?
Oct 23rd 2010 11:52

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hi Kingdomi can you tell me where you saw this information ?
Oct 23rd 2010 12:01   
Deejay B. Advanced   N/a
Hello Philippe. It was on the news page and their official unofficial blog - they registered the domain but claim it's unofficial- kooday dot us.
Oct 23rd 2010 12:03   
Sean North Professional   Business
Hi kingdomi as a SEO expert should have thought you'd have seen this comming weeks ago
Oct 23rd 2010 12:05   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
The first step is to work with both Canadian officials and Interpol to get it investigated and nail down which of 6 nations with the highest probability being Indonesia that Brian operates his business from. With a investigation from them an official criminal charge filing would give you grounds for a civil suit. In most of these cases, it's your only recourse is to get a summary judgment and then hope Interpol nabs Brian on a trip out of country is in fact it is one of the non extradition countries such as Indonesia.

If a scam is proven by authorities then there is a process of recovery that may at least get you a portion of your losses but will not recover projected profits. A Lawsuit however would gain punitive damages on top of the amount lost and be sure to ask for the court cost to be included in any judgment.

Sad to say the entire process may take a lifetime with nothing happening, and it's an event that happens to millions of people every year and hurts the online business industry through lost trust. We all suffer when scam claim victims because everyone burned is that much more un-trusting when you put a legitimate offer in front of them in the future.
Oct 23rd 2010 12:42   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hi Sean kingdomi is asking for support here
Oct 23rd 2010 12:57   
Deejay B. Advanced   N/a
@Sean. As a matter of fact I've never fully trusted Kooday. Even more so when I found out about the name of the owner. I did defend Kooday but now that things are adding up I am having my doubts.

@Andy: Sounds like an impossible and expensive mission. Thanks for putting your legal knowledge on the table, it's always a good thing to know more about the law.
Oct 23rd 2010 13:00   
Deejay B. Advanced   N/a
Philippe, I do understand should people still be a bit mad at me and have problems trusting me on my word. It's not like I've set a behavioral example. ;-)
Oct 23rd 2010 13:02   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
My friend, the first thing to realize is we ALL get burned at times. Kooday mirrors Search Big Daddy, which actually had thousands of dollars in software and design behind them and all the tools to have been a brilliant business but I was one of thousands of victims of their scam. I owned some of the best keywords and search terms and had over 120 people in my downline plus their networks looking to be a multi millionaire.

I was lucky, I had only spent around $200 as a first in member joining them early and buying the terms I wanted cheap. I paid like 30-40 cents each and controlled only those that if they didn't sell would target to something else I was doing. Others lost up to 80,000 in cash out of pocket having bought city sponsorships, pre-paid for Car Wraps distributorships, and owning pro portals, plus thousands of search terms.

Kooday sent red flags regardless of the play on our name Kooiii and theft of our old directory logo as any Search Big Daddy victim can tell you. It's easy to get lost in the dream because these folks have two things that run in their favor. They talk a good talk like an Obama speech and then have people to beat up on those who speak out against them like SEIU.

You saw the results of the other stream I had to close discussion on because it melted down to abusive marks coming from both sides.
Oct 23rd 2010 13:14   
Deejay B. Advanced   N/a
I am glad I haven't invested a lot: under 15 bucks. Really shocking to hear some lost several 10k's with big daddy.

I have read about Kooday stealing your logo, the eyes especially. Makes me distrust them much more and still I don't want to rule out Kooday's legitimacy, as you said it's this dream I live in...

One question though this big daddy thing wasn't created by Brian Lindback, right?
Oct 23rd 2010 14:18   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
I haven't seen anything with his name on it but the front line named owners claimed to have 4 silent partners as well and the business model of the two are almost identical. I would say it's more likely though that if anything Brian was a member because the technology at Kooday is lower grade and the site design and scripts are amateurish in nature showing a lack of proper funding behind it.

As I have stated the only legal judgments and criminal complaint listings I have found on Brian relate to Trekpay and Fantasticpay his other two hyip ponzi sites.

Oct 23rd 2010 14:31   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Just something more that adds to the doubts I have about Kooday. A few days ago, someone here attacked my statements about Kooiii. I'm not talking about kingdomi or Swomie here. Well, that other person I'm talking about kept saying he had made a lot money with Kooday. Well, yesterday, I saw someone with same picture but a different username. Draw your own conclusions.
Oct 23rd 2010 15:45   
Sean North Professional   Business
@ philippe hi bud maybe my words sounded harsher than they were meant however I was stating a fact after reading his profile.

@kingdomi Every one makes mistakes they are a integral part of success if you learn from them
Oct 23rd 2010 16:08   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Okay as someone who has no dog in that particular fight, but as an end product consumer-Kingdomi you attacked me just this morning for posting the results of using this product. Kooday has killed any credibility it would have had with consumers.

And exactly who do you think keeps Google in business? Yes advertisers pay them to advertise on their search engine. The advertisers are paying that top dollar advertising fee because they know that consumers are using the product. If everyone suddenly stopped using Google, Google would soon be out of business because the advertisers would no longer pay for ad space.
As a consumer I won't use Kooday because they ran around blowing their own horn and did not deliver. I don't use a search engine to get a list of biz ops and neither does any other average consumer that is going to bring and KEEP the advertising dollars needed to keep a search engine in business
Oct 23rd 2010 16:14   
Louise Venison Senior   TE owner, affiliate marketer
This is hard. I haven't been involved in any of this - I stayed away from Kooday because something didn't feel right about it. But I can see there's some history here and there's been some nastiness.

What does make me feel positive is to see you still here, kingdomi, asking for advice. If you do lose your money in this, put it behind you, keep on asking questions and try not to make the same mistakes again. If Kooday does turn out to be a scam, you fell for it, and that sucks. But we've all done it. The only thing you can do is learn from it and move on.
Oct 23rd 2010 16:27   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
One thing that would definitely help get rid of a lot of the scams I see is keeping in mind who is going to drive the business model. If the business model is going to depend on advertisers such as Kooday, remember that the advertisers are not going to pay for something that is not going to bring in consumers.

Yes Kooday's advertising looked great but when it comes down to the bottom line if it is not going to do what it promises, perform like it should fill the consumer's need-it doesn't matter how great they make things look. Because int he end they are not going to draw the consumer base needed to make it attractive to the consumer. Put yourself in the consumer's place.
Oct 23rd 2010 16:42   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
Cheryl you make good points. When developing Kooiii we leaked previews of social media search and Google and Bing tried to beat us to the punch by blending Twitter, Facebook, and Orkut in the side listings to their results. They have taken a beating on the fact the social results they get mean little to nothing about the listings which are separate.

When it comes to delivering what the consumer wants in terms of post about a company and see that post in results within minutes, and watching how a number of good and bad reviews effects movement of a site is true social interactive search. Delivering on the promise is part of our rapid growth and sustained presence.

Too many online offers focus on the money and forget about the product and value thus they launch and vanish by the thousands. That's why I can not stress enough. Don't follow the people, follow the money.
Oct 23rd 2010 17:01   
Deejay B. Advanced   N/a
@pplcheryl63. You were comparing a search engine that hasn't officially launched their search feature with search engines that are already established basically in this case meaning that only the websites linked to that keyword are shown. That's like I said, comparing oranges with apples and even though it can't be compared you tried drawing conclusions. That made me quite mad because you weren't the first one to base their opinion on half-truths in regards to Kooday. And all I and actually we allshould wish for is discussions and asking questions knowing that people have sufficient facts. :)

The fact that I was very harsh against you is something I am sorry about and I want to apologize for it.

@Louise and others. I am glad my mistakes are forgiven. :)
Oct 23rd 2010 17:12   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
It's not a half truth when a consumer uses your end product and it does not perform. I did not search for anything obscure. I did a search for the 7th largest city in the United States and got back nothing. Even the newest of search engines should be able to find that, instead I got back a list of biz ops.

Even Obscure search engines like duck Duck GO and Yebol (Still in beta) bring up actual results. Foreign search engines bring up actual results. You attacked a consumer of your product that had attempted to use it and had reported the results of using it.

If Kooday is going to claim it is a search engine then it should perform as a search engine. If it is going to be bringing up biz ops and no info then it should correctly categorize itself as a biz op directory. I in now way compared apples and oranges. I compared something that promotes itself and claims that it is a search engine against a search engine.
Oct 23rd 2010 18:34   
Dave Gilbert Senior   Web Entreprenuer
Dominick if your serious about seo and search why not do as i did years ago and play around with an actual search engine it's the best way to understand how the algorithms work and also to see just how long spidering and indexing can take just to build enough results for the algorithms to have an effect on the search results you can get a great learning script here for free this was my first learning script and it has helped me get some very powerful insights to the whole search industry.
Oct 23rd 2010 19:04   
Warren Day Senior   
you probably won't listen to me (as I'm a troll) but I'm not here to attack you (that's what my thread was for)
I'm here to help, believe it or not
Your money is gone, you won't get it, doesn't waste your time trying
Ask some questions and listen to people here so it doesn't happen again, If you feel like giving back try to warn others about this type of thing in the future (they may not appreciate it though)
Oct 23rd 2010 19:07   
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