Ethics in business

Faith vs Marketing ploy

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
I thought this post belonged in this group I moved it over from 2.0 .  Let me say for the record I am not trying to convert anyone or save any souls here.  Your soul is your own business.  I am pointing out the depths some will go to in marketing their businesses and programs.  It's something I find totally unethical.
I very rarely point it out but I am a Christian.  No let me rephrase that, I live my life according to the principles taught by Christ.  There's quite a big difference.  You see every person that lives as I do is a Christian, but not every Christian lives as I do.  I'm quite ashamed of some of the self-proclaimed Christians today.You see being a "Christian" is the in thing, That whole concept has been sullied and pimped to the point that I sometimes think God cries uncontrollably.  It's nothing new though, people have been pimping Christianity since the Crusades.  And there's really no other word to use besides pimped.During the days of the crusades, all the teachings of "Love thy neighbor as thyself" flew out of the highest turret window.  A series of bloody brutal battles all in the name of God.  We really cannot blame the ordinary person that they were taken in.  Only the rich and privileged knew how to read.  Everyone else had to accept that what they were hearing from their religious leaders was truth, even when it was not.Today we are in the midst of Christianity pimping that is off the scale.  How many politicians pimped Christ to get a vote?  Well I do know of one.   He and his "Christian" administration has embroiled us in a modern day crusade.  But the majority of Americans trusted him because he claimed to be "Christian" just to get the vote of the evangelical activists.The phrase "What would Jesus do?" has no meaning anymore.  It was simply a great marketing fad.  Someone used a phrase which should have meaning to us as Christians and turned it into a gold mine preying on the "Christian" population.And now I find myself offended by all the marketers using my faith as a ploy to get a sale or a sign up.  They loudly yell about being a Christian, they quote scripture, they pose and posture as the most righteous thing out there when the only purpose is to make a buck or two.  Modern day money changers in the temple.  And it works because people believe Christian automatically means they live by the principles of Christ. No, far from it.If you truly live a Christian life, you don't need to convince anyone.  Your actions will speak for you.  Besides that, why are you trying to convince me or anyone else on this temporary plane how of pious you are?  We are not the ones you must answer to in the end.  If you truly believe and are living your life according to the principles you know it is God you must convince and he is not easily fooled.  The dog and pony show you are putting on here will not get you a free pass there.This is the first and last time you will ever see me quote scripture but I do believe that all the "religious" marketers need to see the words in red and white for it to register:"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."Matthew 6:5
Oct 19th 2010 08:25

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Patsy j Payne Committed   konnektions konsultant
I do my best to live the life, however, my first step was accepting the free gift of God through His Son Jesus. I don't get my rewards here, I get my rewards in heaven. Sorry, You lit my fuse.
However, it is about time someone spoke up about the "Christian" sales person. Thank you.
Oct 19th 2010 11:57   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Yes it is time that someone call them on their pardon my French, Bulls**t. Whenever someone starts spouting off to me about "Christian values" of their business the BS meter goes off. Because they are not spouting it because they believe in those values but as a sales tactic to suck someone else in.
Oct 19th 2010 12:39   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
I slammed a marketer the other day. They named their blog ThankGodforJesus but nothing on the blog was about God or Jesus or mentioned anything faith based. Now, all ads after that with links to a lot of things Christians would not be linking to. To the moron it was a sales ploy, taking advantage of people looking for God and selling the penis pills, the scam of the day trash.

Jesus overturned not just the gaming tables but also those of the market place in his father's house. God's name is not for the benefit of sales or selling even if you don't believe. I will not join programs like Christian Home Biz that make God and Christ a part of the sales pitch just as Jesus would have overturned their booth too.

Another great post, and please my friend, don't worry about offending the non believer, they don't seem to have a single issue offending Christians and passing laws against faith.

Oct 20th 2010 02:38   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The "in name Christians only" a lot of times cause the non-believer to get defensive. I can't believe how often these people try to force their 'beliefs' down others throats. Like I said before, if you live it you don't need to shout it.
Oct 20th 2010 07:42   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Thanks Cheryl....
It is a shame a few still don't get IT
Oct 20th 2010 09:05   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
There will come a day when they do get it. Hopefully they will read the quote I took out of that bible they are too busy thumping to read.
Oct 20th 2010 09:24   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
Moments before I had read your post last night I had joined the debate on Church and State versus allowing Divine Creation to be taught in schools. The non believers hold a stance that the 1st amendment prohibits the teaching of creationism which is false. The first amendment dictates that to teach evolution creationism must be taught as well but the government would be prohibited from choosing a specified faith or doctrine of a church and would have to present both cases in a manner that is non denominational. Allowing both also lays grounds for teachings of Buddhism, and other religious beliefs in a non weighted manner.

What is protected by it is the Christian Child from being stopped from praying in school or being penalized for saying One Nation Under God. Our rights shall not be infringed by government at any level to practice the faith of our choice whenever and wherever we choose.

Still issues such as this are a part of a broader attack. The issue of Gay Marriage for example is not one of equal rights or equal rights under the term civil union which is a institution of government would be accepted over fighting for injecting Gay rights over marriage which has been an institution of the church for thousands of years.

I have gay friends in New Mexico and Texas who realize this but the news media and politicians do not. My friends only wish for equal treatment and not special rights treading on the rights of Christians.

Personally I have no issue with those who choose other paths so long as they do not deny me mine. That's why despite the Taboo of don't talk religion or politics I was glad to see this subject brought up. Christian or other we must treat each other equal and with respect, with none feeling a need to hide and repress their beliefs in the eyes of the other because good business starts on honesty and trust.

Oct 20th 2010 11:45   
Warren Day Senior   
@Cheryl you are right about "in name christians"
I'm an atheist but there are christians (and other faiths) that I respect.
There are also plenty of people I don't respect and "cheat on my wife, cheat on my taxes, go to church on Sunday Christians" enrage me. I've heard more about Christ from those types than anyone and they are so vocal about what will happen to me but if I'm wrong, I don't think God will be too happy with them either.
I don't think one day of church can attone for 6 days of sin
Oct 20th 2010 11:45   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Andy I have been around gays all my life. My Grandmother taught me to treat EVERYONE equally. I agree that civil unions will protect the rights of same sex couples. the problem is that depending on where you go those civil unions may or may not be recognized while 'marriage" is accepted wherever you go even the civil ones.

My personal belief is if I don't have to wake up next to someone I could care less if they are married, civilly joined or just shacking up. That is their business to deal with. So if gays want to marry, more power to them I'm not a party to their relationship.

The problem is not gay marriage, but isolationism. It's just a way for the holier than thou to continue to feel holier than thou and justify their bias. If they had to be a party to the relationship and take part in it then they would have a reason to squawk.
Oct 20th 2010 11:58   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
@Warren Sometimes the 'sin' doesn't even stay out of the church. When I was younger the church I attended was building on to the sanctuary and had these folding chairs in the choir section. On morning one Sunday morning one of the women in the choir found out about hubby cheating on her and it just so happened that she ended up seated between the two of them.

The Holy Ghost was definitely moving in her that morning during the sermon when she let out a loud "Hallelujah" and swung her arms wide. Both hubby and the other woman ended knocked over on their backs with their feet sticking up in the air and the entire congregation ended up rolling in the aisles. most of the congregation knew exactly why the spirit 'touched' that woman!
Oct 20th 2010 12:04   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
@affiliatemoney You described hypocrites not Christians, they practice faith only in name in the same manner a mobster does a Rosary and seeks earthly atonement. A Christian following the way of the seed sower will show their faith through practice and share the word openly but not with force because where the seed falls on barren soil it will only sprout thorns.

I have had more experience with Atheist forcing their non belief and touting evolution with it's missing links over thousands of pages of eye witness testimonies spanning thousands of years. In the end we must all be free to make our own choice as God for the Christian does not accept forced or faked attrition. Not one person can make you believe, that has to be your will.

For me it's simple, even with questions weighed on both sides I look at the end result. If the Atheist is right and I die and fade to nothing I will never know, where if I am right eternal damnation and suffering awaits them because God did not lay down a path for the undecided.

We can question both sides and lack a physical presence of God on earth one way or missing links another and still not explain the origin of the first molecule in the first grain of sand. But call it ego if I say i would in the end also much prefer to have been created in the image of a supreme being than have a monkey as my uncle.

Thanks for your mutual respect.
Oct 20th 2010 12:07   
Warren Day Senior   
@Cheryl that's a great story

I would agree that they are not christians, it's unfortunate that so many people promote religion the way they do.
I respect real christians despite those people much like I respect internet marketers like you and Cheryl despite the scammers out there.
It's too bad the attention that negative things receive
Oct 20th 2010 12:14   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
@Cheryl A federally adopted civil union, which is covered under Interstate practices for civil rights would ensure equal protections.

Thomas Jefferson once said the intent of the Constitution Congress was to ensure that the right of the one be upheld to be as great or greater than the right of the many.

For that intent to be carried out in this day and age equal rights and protection must be upheld for both the Christian defending the institution of the church which is also Constitutionally protected as well as the homosexual wishing for the right of divorce, and insurance coverage. The rights are the only part of this that should be the issue, accept equality but do not interject the rights of one over the rights of another. We can co-exist.

Another good example is the smoker. They have a singular right to choose their lifestyle and the non smoker theirs. They each have choices to make, go where smokers can smoke or go only where smoking is not allowed. The laws interjecting in the smokers rights and freedoms of choice have men like Jefferson rolling over in their graves. As a non smoker I always respected the fact my rights to not be subjected to smoke were limited to my choice of stay where it was allowed or choose somewhere else.

I have no right to say I am here now you must change you.
Oct 20th 2010 12:18   
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