Business Round Table

Skype Etiquette

by Meghan
Meghan Senior  
Skype has become a popular tool for online marketers. After witnessing some uncouth behavior in the past few days, I felt inclined to share some tips about using Skype effectively.

Using technology to communicate with others, people often become emotionally detached. They start seeing the people receiving their messages as just screennames or text on a screen, not human beings. So, people are more likely to behave rudely, which can be detrimental to their business.

If you've never used Skype, here is a little overview. Skype is an instant messenger that also allows you to call phones and other users from your computer. Users can create chat groups or send messages privately. It's a good way to get your business partners/team members together for brainstorming and sharing info. However, some people are abusing Skype's features.

Here are some tips on how to use Skype:

1. Introduce yourself! No, really, introduce yourself. Occasionally, you meet someone on a social media website or through a safelist that you want to talk to. Through your request to add them to your list, explain exactly where you saw their Skype screenname and introduce yourself. They'll be more open to adding you if they know where you came from.

2. Don't blindly invite to groups. If you want to start a group, send a message to your contacts asking if they would like to be added. Don't just blind invite. This makes people angry and they'll remove you from their contacts. They don't want to be connected to a bunch of people they don't know. They want to be able to choose, especially when security is such a large issue on the internet.

3. Don't spam. Spamming is still spamming even if a person is on your contact list. People do not use instant messengers to receive advertisements. Instant messengers are made for personal communication.

4. Stay on topic. Once part of a group, don't post links or advertisements for other opportunities unless the group is made specifically for that. Most moderators will delete links as soon as they see them anyway and it's just rude to interrupt group discussions with off-topic messages.

Keep in mind, people are more likely to remember events that raise negative emotions than positive ones and people are 10 times more likely to complain about than praise another person or company. So, don't leave a bad impression. It may hurt you business.
Sep 30th 2010 20:08

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Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Nice work! There needs to be more discussion on marketing etiquette in general! We stress all aspects of internet etiquette in The Grand Retirement Plan Team! I will direct member to this post to touch on Skype etiquette! Thanks!
Sep 30th 2010 20:18   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Wonderful post this is exactly the type of information I set this group up to share. There is so much more to running a business than marketing and People do tend to forget that.
Sep 30th 2010 20:21   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
yes, I agree! Too many are just jumping in and spamming...I don't think they realize they are spamming.
Sep 30th 2010 20:23   
Meghan Senior   
Thank you, both of you!
Sep 30th 2010 20:31   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Hi Meghan, great post.
I never new that, i don't use skype that often, more for staying in contact with family and a few close business contacts.
Just goes to show us that the spammers are everywhere, i always wonder how these guys make a living, when the tactics they are using are so enethical.
Keep posting you have me as a follower.
Oct 1st 2010 05:20   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
I love Skype
Great Post..

I can't imagine how people conduct business on line without it.
I use to teach a Skype call once a week In Veretekk.
I must tell you what I hammered home
The first 2 rules in Skype

#1 Text before calling

#2 Never ever ever send a file through Skype that you are not sure the recipient is waiting on the other end to receive it.

Oct 1st 2010 08:45   
Meghan Senior   
Oooo! Cindy, I didn't think of #2. I always reject file sends unless I'm completely sure that A)I want to see it, B)the person sending it is really the contact. After people's Skypes were getting hijacked through file sends (and BAD LINKS!), I became extra careful. Thanks for contributing!
Oct 1st 2010 09:14   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Great point Cindy, it should be common sense about the file sending. I remember when everyone was getting jacked on Yahoo messenger and those files were coming from 'contacts' so another tip where that issue is concerned.

Even if it is a contact, meaning their name is showing; do not accept the file until you verify that they are who they say they are. If you are already chatting that's one thing but if a contact wants to send you a file out of the blue, talk with them and question them on things that they would know. Those hijacker viruses are still out there!
Oct 1st 2010 09:25   
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