Business Round Table

What do you really get out of a traffic exchange?

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
More and more people are touting traffic exchanges lately.  Personally I think that they are a waste of time.  That's because I look at the return on investment.  If you are running a business return on investment should always be considered when you look at how you market.
So let me explain why I see them as a waste of time:
1. I'm joining to find people to buy my products or join my opportunity.Isn't that why you join them?  Why do you think others are joining them?  Exactly, for the same reasons that you are.  So you are promoting yourself to people who have the goal of getting you to buy/join them.  So if they aren't looking to join you they are not going to be prospects.  Of course you will stumble across the 'I'll buy anything' occasional soft sell but they are few and far between.
2. It takes time to surf a traffic exchange.Yes it takes an investment of time. So it's only a matter of seconds, but seconds add up to minutes and minutes add up to hours.  How much time are you wasting sitting there looking at websites that you have absolutely no interest in just to get someone who has absolutely no interest in your site to sit and look at it?  What effective income producing actions could you be doing while you are sitting there?
To me, those are the two major main reasons to avoid traffic exchanges.  The time you spend sitting staring at you computer screen with no intentions whatsoever of buying a thing could be better spent on income producing activity.  The hours you waste could be used to promote to your buying market of prospects.
No matter what steps you are taking to promote, they should be spent targeting your viable prospects.  The return on investment spent promoting and marketing to your buying prospects will be much much greater than time spent promoting to those who are trying to sell to you AND since you are spending more time promoting to your buying market that will increase the investment you are making.  Greater investment means greater rewards.
Maybe it's time to try working smarter.
Sep 25th 2010 09:51

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Cheryl... This has got to be a first.
Usually you and I are very much in sync with each other.
But, I really must express my thoughts on Traffic Exchanges.

I like them....
I like them for a couple of different reasons
They give me ideas for splash pages and verbiage for the ones
that I create for what I do.

New people especially have no idea what to do or how to market.
I think that traffic exchanges are a really good way to teach new
people about tracking. Learning to TRACK makes things easier
in the long run. Knowing which TE work and don't lets them decide if
it would be a good thing to thing to spend money to upgrade or buy credits

I have a couple that I really enjoy... because the owners are so nice and easy
to work with.

I have set aside one stream of income that I use for advertising. I buy start pages
in TE's, I buy credits. Some of the new start up ones offer great deals. But of course
it all comes down to tracking.

I know the first thing to do is to set up 2 Gmail accounts JUST for TE's and safelist
I know how to surf several (I usually do 10) at one time.
Safelists are a great way to get ideas for subject lines...

While new people are learning how to market online I really think that time spent
on TE's is not wasted.

Keep moving forward,

Sep 25th 2010 10:50   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cindy it comes down to the return on investment. For some people it may work but for many turning to the internet they are indeed a waste. Especially those selling products and not biz ops.

It's like going downtown and looking at all the beautiful displays in shop windows. If I have a shop of course I have my my window set up beautifully just as every other shop keeper on the block. But what are the odds that all these shop keepers with their beautiful window displays are going to buy from me? Why would I and the rest of the shopkeepers keep running into each other's shops saying "come look at my window display?" When would any of us actually get any business done if we are doing that?

Now if I am out among the consumers looking to buy and saying come look at my window display I'm targeting someone looking to spend money buying something instead of other shop keepers looking to sell. Which tactic is apt to put money in my till? Putting my product in front of shop keepers trying to sell or consumers looking to buy? Which investment of time is going to bring me a better return?

That is the key. spending your time actually doing income producing activity as opposed to spending a large amount of time on an activity which rarely going to produce income.

Yes you do want to know what your competition is doing but it should not take up a large chunk of your time and traffic exchanges do take up a large amount of time in small increments. What is the surf ratio? Let's say 3 to 1 your site comes up in rotation for every three sites you surf. How long do you have to spend on that site before you get credit? Let's make it easy and say 10 seconds.

That means that in order to get your site seen one time you spend 30 seconds surfing. Now let's say that in order to find that soft sale you have to expose 100 people. That's 30 minutes you have to spend surfing to get one sale (And I'm being very generous here). How many sales in a day do you need to produce a good income? so it will take you two hours to make $100. That's two hours of continuous surfing by the way. If you look at a standard 10% conversion on interested prospects, how much income did you lose in that two hours of promoting to people who really could not care any less about what you are selling? 1% conversion with a TE compared to 10% conversion with targeted income producing activity concentrated on your target market.

That's what needs to be taken into consideration.
Sep 25th 2010 11:34   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
You bring out good points
BUT>>>>I still like TE's
Perhaps we are just using them for different reasons
I use to think they were a waste of time.
I actually get a good response from my splash pages.
I get people on my list, SO....
That is always a good thing
Then I am able to follow-up that way
or just keep in touch with some type
of an auto responder series.

Giving something away is also good to build
your list using TE's.

Traffic exchanges are just one of the many ways
I use to market... Some work better than others.

I am one who didn't know how to copy and paste when
I started marketing online so TE's was about the only thing
I could handle while I was learning other methods.

I call myself Silly Cindy for a reason.
Much of what I learned from surfing such as
tracking and verbiage I still use today.

But that is just me.
Sep 25th 2010 12:00   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I think maybe I did not phrase it correctly. I'm not saying that they should never be used. I'm saying that before anyone goes that route they need to look at the return on investment for the hours they will be spending there and decide if they want to put that effort into it when it could in many cases be better spent elsewhere. Or determine a set amount of time to be spent on them. Many are falling into the trap of TE and that is all they do.

Then they wonder why they aren't making sales and bringing in income. It's like a bunch of used car salesmen all trying to sell cars to other used car salesmen and then wondering why they can't make a sale. Can a used car salesmen spend time with other used car salesmen and have it be worth something? Of course if the point is to discuss sales tactics and what works but in the end if that used car salesman wants to make a sale he has to go to his market of prospective buyers, and Promote to them. He will make a lot more sales marketing to those prospective buyers that he will to other salesmen. A TE is like marketing to other used car salesmen.
Sep 25th 2010 12:21   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
I can not imagine just using TE's
Perhaps there are many who do only that.
Now that would be BORING....

Many people don't want to learn new things.
I am sure you know the kind I am referring to..
The ones that surf for an hour a day for 5 days and
are wondering when they are going to be making that
I just have to chuckle at that because I read the ads
They can't say it if it isn't true...
Can they?

BTW???? are you calling me a used car salesman?
Just Skidding.... I know what you mean.

Sep 25th 2010 13:27   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Let me know when you get an Alfa Romeo on the lot I'm in the market! :-)
Sep 25th 2010 18:19   
MichaelAp Clayton Magnate I   I Earn My Income Online ...Join Me
Hi Cindy

I agree with you. My main web pages have had over 19 million visitors 97% come from traffic exchanges. Because my main sites get so many visitors they automatically get listed higher in search engines. I have over 500 down-line members in all my main programs, thanks to traffic exchanges. My online sales have surpassed $100,000 so I do not really care if people believe me or they knock traffic exchanges. I know the way I use them works. Many traffic exchange owners have joined my down-lines or purchased from my urls. Just another bonus really. The only drawback for new traffic exchange users is that you need at least 90 days of constantly joining exchanges every day and surfing the best exchanges before you get constant results. Traffic exchanges are best for new online marketers as they learn because they are easy to join and easy to surf and in the long term produce results. It helps to get into a routine and surf 5 to 10 auto-surf exchanges every day. I only occasionally join click surf as for me they are too boring. I still join new exchanges when I get time. I have an article about traffic exchanges see my url below.
Oct 21st 2010 04:27   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
rexiedexie Thanks for the input.
I will check out your article NOW.
Oct 21st 2010 05:16   
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