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Do you really need an Internet Identity? Part 2 Expanding your presence 1.

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
In part one I covered setting up your presence in APSence. The next step is to expand your presence around the Internet and at the same time build your personal network here.

One of the ways you can do this is by the correct use of forums.


I recommend that the first thing to do is create a signature file ready to use when signing up to forums for those that allow it or if you are already a member then you can use the edit profile to add or change your signature file.

By preparing it first all you will have to do is copy and paste it when you need it.

Here again a word of caution.

Make sure that when you join any forum you read the rules, sometimes referred to as AUP (Acceptable User Policy) or more commonly the TOS (Terms Of Service)

Some allow a signature file but do not allow urls to be used in them. Breaking these rules will sooner or later (more often sooner) get you kicked out.

You can prepare a signature file and keep it in a text file or word Document on your PC so that you only have to copy and past it when you are filling in you profile.

Most forums use UBB code and the majority limit the signature file to 255 characters.

Personally I use word as it has the word count tool, which you can find on the menu under tools.

An example of a signature file with UBB code.


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This signature consists of 253 characters (spaces included) above is what you would see when posted, and below is the coding.

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Once this has been added to your profile in the forums you join then each post you make will have links to your sites, which not only other members of the forum will see but the search engines will pick up when they spider the site.

There is however a right and a wrong way to use forums. As you may have noticed in my opening I used the term "correct use of forums"

Let us first look at the wrong way.

If you dive into a forum and start advertising and posting silly one line answers like "good post" or "thank you for the information" etc just to get your signature file shown then you are not helping yourself, you are in fact doing yourself a great deal of damage.

If you run around like a kid in a free sweet shop posting identical posts in every thread you can find you are not only going to end up in trouble with other members you are also going to get in trouble with the administration. On top of this, search engines frown on duplicate content and again this will do your identity serious damage.

So what is the right way?

When you join a forum read first see what people are talking about find out what you can make posts on to contribute good content to a thread. You should not just read the first post then dive in and post an answer. First read the thread through see what others have said. No one likes a parrot, so if the answer you were going to give is already there, then rethink your answer and if you can add more to the answer(s) already given then by all means do so. If not, but it is a subject you know about, then track the thread, see how it develops and you will find the right opportunity to make constructive and helpful replies.

If you want to ask questions formulate them in a way that is adding content.

Don't post "How do I do that".

Post something like "I am interested in what you have said about "xyz" but I am not sure how to do it. Can you give me some more information and explain "xyz" in more detail.


"I have tried doing "xyz" but it didn't work for me. Can you give me some guidelines so I can figure out why it didn't work and help me to get it to work?

Spend a couple of weeks getting to know others and helping them where you can to establish yourself as an asset to the forum. Then when you make a thread about something you have a greater chance of getting interaction going and so establishing yourself even more.

Also remember that a steady build up is better than a sudden rush of posts promoting yourself and what you are doing. Yes this takes time but it is time well spent when you do it right.


Another method of expanding your presence is the use of blogs.

This is something I am still getting my head around so I am not going to go into it in great detail. You can find other groups that are covering Blogs far better than I ever could. I will however recommend one I am experimenting with which is BizzyBlogs. This is free to join and the owners are great people that I have the honor to call my friends.

Search engines love blogs and they are constantly crawling them so you can again use these to your advantage by regularly posting good unique content.

Here again the same warnings apply as for everywhere. Don't go posting irrelevant comments on people’s blogs just to get your signature file on there. It probably wont do any good anyway as most blogs now use the html "NOFOLLOW" command in comment posts.

This tells search engines to ignore the url that has been posted. This was implemented because of the amount of abuse and spamming that was, and still is, being posted in blogs all over the Internet. Many blogs also now require the owner to authorize any comments that are posted as a second safeguard against spamming.

To be continued


Feed back welcome
Jun 6th 2007 01:22

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Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
HI Bj,

Ah... the pause that refreshes!!

It really is always a pleasure to read your articles. You always share a
lot of solid information and never shy away from reality.

Thanks for sharing a really great article. I could not have put it better, myself.
As a forum owner and former blog host (I got really tired of the abuse), I can assure anyone reading your article that you're right on target.

God bless,

Sep 1st 2007 04:43   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Dave,

Welcome back, you will find a lot of changes have been made for the better here in APSense.

Give me a shout if you need bringing up to speed

Coming from you that is high praise indeed. I hold your opinions in High regard and I humbly thank you for it.

For anyone that does not know Dave, I strongly recommend you to read his posts. He is a Man of Honor and integrity and does not feed anyone BS.

Sep 1st 2007 10:56   
Emily Bernstein Freshman   Marketing Specialist
BJ, I have to agree with Dave, I like reading your comments and articles on everything and I do mean everything. You cut to the chase and there is no bs. I thank you for that. I joined bizzyblogs. I consider my self one of your students, I am renaming you Professor so I will refer to you as my professor from now on. I have learned a great deal from you in just the last 24 hours from reading your articles and trying out the things you have suggested. I am looking forward to making money through you.
Feb 25th 2011 02:58   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Emily Jane,

These days apart from promoting my own services there is only one other that I put serious effort into promoting, and yes i make some income from it. Its not a lot but I am happy with what I get and will naturally be happier if i can make more from it. I am currently regrouping so to speak and I will be setting up some pages with the tools that I feel any serious internet marketer and internet service supplier must have to make life easier for them.
Feb 25th 2011 09:34   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Great article of which the content also applies for a big part to posting on social networks. I signed up for BizzyBlog
Feb 26th 2011 03:58   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
@Paula as you can see that was written in the days when I did not fully understand the impact using social networks correctly can have on you.
Feb 26th 2011 05:54   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
LOL I did not look at the date. I was on BizzBlog yesterday but did not see much activity there
Feb 26th 2011 09:11   
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