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Making sure your safe on the internet

by Lisa Lomas
Lisa Lomas Professional  
Before you even start on the internet there is a manual checklist, this will assist you to keep your computer safe and your operating as purposeful as possible.

This is a list for ones with no big budget but wants a good secure use on the internet.

Adaware SE-adaware
Spybot search and Destory-Spyware
AVG anti-virus (first and foremost a must have a anti virus)

Extras Include
Spyware Blaster (keeping sites away from your system is the easiest way to explain)
CCleaner-Keeping Cookies, Cache, Internet Tracks and useage as clean as possible, a bit like wiping your kitchen sink after you prepare food, its leaving crumbs.

Adobe Systems-Opens Pdf files
Zip Opener- free version (http://zipcentral.iscool.net/) or if you already have paid version go ahead
Windows Media-Absolute minimum for mp3, videos etc.

Download Maxathon or Mozilla for regular browsing, this will help with multiple sites open. Internet Explorer is the most regular browser that will open most programs.

Hope this gets you started. some this may mean nothng but for those new to the computer this is the bare minimum in my eyes to keep you safe from a technology perspective, as technology has its good side and also its evil side.

Happy Computing.
May 20th 2007 06:11

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Lisa

The basic programmes that you have suggested are a good beginning for anyone starting to work on the internet. Security IS a big issue on the net - as its anonymity attracts all sorts! As we all know from experience!

I would just like to add one more, for all those who are dealing with MONEY
RoboForm is a programme - free and upgradeable that helps you save your passwords from keyboard hackers and is invaluable for anyone dealing with banks, paypal, merchant accounts and, above all, egold accounts.

May 20th 2007 07:23   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Absolutely Alasycia,

Your right on the money there. Its a one off cost.
May 20th 2007 19:37   
Nannette Caina Innovator   
We're just new in operating our online business. We will make sure that we are secured in this area. Thanks for sharing your list with all of us.

Best Regards,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Caina
Manila Philippines
Oct 3rd 2007 13:31   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
HI Dennis & Nannette,

May I suggest you look over at CMU7 if you are new, you get training and support for webmasters there. We actually have a meeting today where you get to ask questions, actually there is live service available most times in the day. We are making sure Webmasters get support.
Oct 8th 2007 16:33   
Shrihari Sawant Senior   Consultant
Good suggestion you have given in your article.
Oct 20th 2007 00:05   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
HI Siddhinfo,

Thankyou for stopping by and making a comment, I appreciate it!
Oct 20th 2007 02:29   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Lisa,

Great list and I use AVG anti-virus because it is FREE...

Another tip is to just not go to sites that are risky. Firefox has a feature that helps you not go to these sites and even google searches let you know if a site on their list is risky to visit!

Make sure your browser settings don't allow for downloads without your say so. You can select this in IE and firefox so that you have to ok or approve the download...

Even if you use a software like Roboform, it is best not to save any of your passwords on your computer that are for banks, paypal, financial institutions, alertpay, etc these are easily jotted down in a small address book that you tuck away from view. I even had coded the pwds in some cases by the way I enter them in my address book. Any Hacker worth their salt is only after pwds for sites that give them access to your money. Do Not save these pwds on your computer.

also, do not allow these sites to be on hard disk. There's a browser setting that prevents secure sites from being in cache, history etc... In Internet Options under Advanced settings. Make sure you check "Do Not save encrypted pages to disk" ...

that's all i can think of right now!
gotta go surf

Mar 16th 2009 23:01   
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