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Darth Vader And The Storm Troopers Celebrate The End Of The Recession! LOL!

by Jeff Greene Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing...
OK, I'm just kidding about the Recession coming to an end, but it's a nice thought anyway! :)

 Here's some news from the Vally Of The Geeks:

(Washington, DC) The US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill today officially declared the recession canceled. O'Neill admitted that while many people thought there had been a recession, in fact, they were mistaken. "Just because a few hundred thousand people lost their jobs, that doesn't mean the economy isn't fundamentally strong," O'Neill said. "I personally don't know anyone who got laid off who didn't have it coming to them. Frankly, there's been a lot of malingering lately, people blaming this or that on the economy, and I'm sick of it."

Aug 12th 2008 11:58

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Watch out now! DV got some moves! LOL!

And of course high level Republiklans and Democrites base the economic barometer on the length of their vacations in the Hamptons, minus raises given to staff divided by Christmas bonuses paid out. That total is then deducted from the wife's shopping budget for the year multiplied by the number of political offspring weddings occuring in the past administration, squared. This number is then compared to the national debt If thenational debt is higher than the result, we have a strong economy. If the two numbers are equal we are in a recession,If the national debt is lower, Just say you could have at least given us a kiss to go with the "&$()%"

Aug 12th 2008 12:16   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
My thoughts exactly, Cheryl!

At least I can afford to share a huge case of laughs with my friends...

Shhhhhhhhhhhh, the b*stards might try to raise the prices on laughs if they find out... :)

Aug 12th 2008 12:33   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I hear they are secretly trying to come up with a tax on air :-)
Aug 12th 2008 12:51   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
With these dudes trying to 'Solve " the energy crises with high-tech windmills, you can bet a tax on air is not far away from a reality...

OMG&G! ( Smacks Forehead)

I just realizedI am an Air Sign, Cheryl... Maybe I can claim an "Energy Dependence Reduction" deduction this year! LOL! :)
Aug 12th 2008 13:08   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
LOL I guess I can pull the same thing with the guy who wants the water rights here since I'm a crab.
Aug 12th 2008 14:34   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hey, they already charge people for catching rainwater in dams here.
It's taking it from the state!
Guess pretty soon they'll start charging a tax to those of us who
have rainwater tanks in their gardens........
Govts. always have an eye on money-making.

Do you know why Govts. don't like thieves? They can't stand the competition. :-)

Aug 12th 2008 16:02   
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