Take a break !! APSense Post a good Joke !!...

News Stories That Must Be Seen! You Just Can't Make Up This Kinda Stuff....

by Jeff Greene Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing...
 Mainly, when we are online most of the amusing news stories and headlines that we love to share are from text based resources...

 Such as the following:

" Bank Loot, Gun found by woman and son-in-law while cleaning out an apartment "..


  or perhaps "NASA needs to collect urine by the gallon from workers to test space toilet...


 Or maybe, " Man Leaves Jail Naked, Gets Arrested Again..."


 All of these are good and amusing stories but as most us Humans are a visually oriented species, we are truly engaged when the "Good Stuff " is caught on tape!

 Here are a few GOOD ONES, Starring " Texas Man Really Breaks The Bank..." ( Click on Weird News Video on this link 

Jul 18th 2008 07:46

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'm thinking they need to use the windbags on politicians!
Jul 18th 2008 08:03   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
It's my view that politicians have run out of credible 'Wind" ane have bee reduced to being "Hair Bags "... and even most of that is fake, too! :)
Jul 18th 2008 08:09   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
You guys are being too hasty, we have a much more politically correct term we use here in the boonies....*%$#@&# $#&*bags! LOL!
Jul 18th 2008 08:20   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Obviously Garnet does not know about that shadow candidate on the horizon! ROFLMAO!!!!
Jul 18th 2008 08:29   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Can you believe that there is a Mylot member that actually did run for President?

He was a Native American with an excellent mind and point of view... Of course he got crushed by BIG MONEY, though! :(
Jul 18th 2008 08:57   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
with an excellent mind and point of view...?

Two attributes that the power mongers will ensure are lacking in whoever does get the presidency.

Obama and McCain are both in the running but Obama is prettier and appears to be more maleable - Face it - it looks like he will say ANYTHING he is told to say. McCain isn't being courted by the power brokers, yet, but I'm sure his day will come - especially if he can get some pseudo religious wannabe in his corner.

May the saints preserve us from overt christians - lion food is all they are good for based on the current level of hypocracy.
Jul 18th 2008 09:42   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
May the saints preserve us from overt christians - lion food is all they are good for based on the current level of hypocracy.

Best comment I've seen for a long time Arthur ! :-) Love it.......
Jul 18th 2008 20:43   
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