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Poetic Justice?

by Duane Chesney
Duane Chesney Advanced  
Well, the first salvoes of the legacy of the Bush Presidency have been fired.  MSNBC is reporting on its website that a group in San Fransisco has filed papers to rename the city's sewage treatment plant to the "George W. Bush Sewage Plant" in honor of the "mess" Mr. Bush has created in the country.

A ballot iniciative with over 10,000 names was submitted to the city election commission to be put on the November ballot, according to elections officials. 

A member of The Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco, Brain McConnell, said, "We think that it's important to remember our leaders in the right historical context.  In President Bush's case, we think that we will be cleaning up a substantial mess for the next 10 or 20 years...The sewage treatment facility's job is to clean up a mess, so we think it's a fitting tribute."

The Republican party of San Fransisco thinks that the plan stinks and plans to fight the iniciative if it get on the ballot.
Jul 8th 2008 10:29

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well Dubya has done a "crappy" job!
Jul 8th 2008 10:47   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
He'll be lucky enough to get his name to stay on anything permanently, as far as i'm cocerned... I wonder how Bush's Baked Bean sales are doing? Nobody seems to know around here... :)
Jul 8th 2008 11:31   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well a waste management plant is a perfect testament to his presidency. They both mainly consist of dealing with Sugar, honey and iced tea as my mom used to say
Jul 8th 2008 17:32   
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