Quality Content Writers Group

Well, he asked!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Once again a guru has asked me what I need to make myself more successful in internet marketing - here is my answer:-

Hi, Guru,

Thanks for asking this question - though I cannot remember how many times I have given this answer:-

Everybody selling stuff to newbies (and it really ought to be a crime!!!) assumes that we know a lot that we are actually desperate to learn:-

They assume we know how to build a secure down-load page

They assume we know how to make a secure payment button

They assume we know how to create a thank-you page

They assume we know all about auto-responders (or try to get us to sign up to their autoresponder which, of course, is expensive)

They assume we know how to make a lead capture page and link it to our auto responders

They assume that we can pick the important bits out of courses (For example, I have two good courses on making money using adwords. The only trouble is, I am new. I want to know how I can make a start with a small budget but both courses rant on about hundreds of ad groups with thousands of keywords, When I learn how to use adwords and not go broke I will probably want these but, to start with? I can't afford it.)

Worst of all, they assume that we know how it all fits together,

To be blunt.

Since my health collapsed and left me with no way of earning a living in the real world, I have tried to go back to school and learn internet marketing.

But the school has no time-table

It has no structured lessons

It has no complete courses

It has no authoritatiive teachers prepared to do the job properly.

Worst of all, there is a huge number of school bullies who are forever beating on your head saying "What! Are you still using last month's version. Look - I've just re-written some of it and it will blow your mind! Buy it here while it is still available!

I hope you get the picture because in any other profession, anybody training me would have a vested interest in my success. In internet marketing it seems the only interest is in my continued failure.

So, what is THE ONE SINGLE THING I NEED? A basic source for all elements in internet marketing, in one place where I would be a client and not an ever open wallet.


May 30th 2008 11:52

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Excellent post - as always- and as soon as I can get my system put back together and running, I will finish up the write-up that I have promoised you (although what you are asking for in this post goes into things a bit deeper than what I was writing!)

I think the biggest thing that many of the Gurus tend to forget is they learned most of this on their own with no one to explain or help until they had made some contacts with someone that had worked their way through the mire and found a way to do what you are asking. The main thing to remember when working with any type of code is, every coder has a 'style' and each style is a bit diifferent from the other. Most coders can reverse engineer almost anything (including highly encrypted code) and figure out how the originator got from point A to point Z.
May 30th 2008 12:18   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, mark,

All very true and it is unfortunate that the gurus, because they KNOW how hard it is, have not really capitalised on their experience in a more positive and productive way.

The guru I wrote to was Sean Mize and I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a reply from him within an hour with some useful notes attached to the email.

10 out of 10 for Sean - and if he can do it, why can't they all? Especially if they ask a question and you take the time to answer it.

I am quite comfortable with bog standard HTML and am pulling a lot of information out of the ether by making blinding mistakes - but it would be so much easier if those that have the basic knowledge make it available. I actually spend a fair bit of time sending "how-to" emails to people who contact me through my various web sites - which simply illustrates the need for a more concerted approach to giving a service to newbies rather than simply exploiting them.
May 30th 2008 12:56   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
I agree entirely on the service instead of exploitation. I have recieved some quick replies from some of the others, but they are still mainly a direction to a sales page with a bit of a 'leader' thrown in. Such as - I covered this exact topic in one of my ebooks that you can purchase (With Resale Rights!) at such and such a URL.

I have been trying to post topics here that will help folks (newbies and some seasoned veterans) with different aspects of their online endeavors, but my readership seems to be in the dumps.I may get 10 or 12 hits to any post but very few comments or questions about what I posted.

Not sure if I am posting "over their heads' or what the problem is.
May 30th 2008 13:37   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Good article Arthur, there is a lot of assumption in marketing online.

At least you got a response from your guru! :-)
May 30th 2008 18:45   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
good information, perhaps some will listen
May 30th 2008 19:58   
Dave Thomas Advanced   
Absolutely spot on,

Though the one thing I will say is that a lot of peoplle (newbies especially) keep looking for the magic bullet the one thing that will make them money now!!

The fact is if you want to be succesfull in any business - you must learn the basics

What these guru's need to do is point people to the numerous free resources that are available in the format that suits the individual ie video. audio, ebook etc that will teach the basics and anyone who wants to be succesful should have themselves a basic training plan written down that they can tick off as they complete each step.

Remember you do need to learn to walk before you can run

May 31st 2008 01:21   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Forgive me if I am being cynical, but I think that if the gurus sent us all off to free places to learn how to do all the things we need to learn , we might find out that some of their offers are not so wonderful after all and then we wouldnt buy them! LOL
Jun 1st 2008 21:46   
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