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There really has to be a call to moderation.

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty

No surgery necessary, ever!

This is either taking the fear factor TOO FAR or claiming miraculous curative powers for a diet pill that even the snake oil salesmen of old would be wary of.

This must be one of the most assinine and illconsidered claims of all time.


Above is my reply to a blog making the claim that a diet pill would end the need for surgery.

Now, you know and I know that this little statement is designed to allay the fears (of people who want to lose weight) that they will need to undergo some sort of invasive therapy to achieve their goals.

BUT - you know and I know that many people, being inclined and having been educated to believe every word any other demented internet marketer might utter, will take these words at face value.

I have no idea who the copywriter of this claim is but I do feel that he/she has gone beyond the pale when it comes to grandiose, unsupported (and possibly, dangerous) claims in the public arena.

At the VERY LEAST, this claim is unfounded. How many people, in good health but massively over-weight (one does not preclude the other) need to resort to surgery? NOT MANY.

At the VERY WORST it could cause a degree of anxiety in many people about the idea that, to lose weight, the usual remedy is surgery.

There is also a small minority of people who will take this bold, brash statement at face value and believe that this diet pill will cure ALL their ills.

The wild claims of internet marketers could not be made in civilised and controlled media - it is way past time that advertising on the internet was done only by those who have a facility with the truth, a familiarity with their product and a concern for their fellow man (not his wallet!).   
May 20th 2008 01:03

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Better yet, lets stop focusing on this pathological need to be "slim". You would think with all of the well publicized cases of Anorexia and Bulemia among young girls trying to be slim someone would have picked up on the fact that all of this is dangerous. Young girls are starving themselves to look like these skinny supermodels, and the models are starving themselves to become "Twiggy thin" to satisfy the designers.

This Hoodia stuff is simply the latest fad, in a long list of fads.
May 20th 2008 05:28   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Of course you are right as usual! lol

"The wild claims of internet marketers could not be made in civilised and controlled media - it is way past time that advertising on the internet was done only by those who have a facility with the truth, a familiarity with their product and a concern for their fellow man (not his wallet!)."

There are no enforced advertising standards on the internet as such. It would be interesting to make the companies themselves liable for the rash and either false or illegal claims of their promoters. THEN we might see some change . If irresponsible advertising hurt the companies themselves, maybe they would then take steps to make some rules for their promoters themselves that had to be enforced on pain of expulsion!

Wishful thinking
May 20th 2008 17:02   
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