Overcoming Depression 101

New guy saying Hi

by Chris Colby
Chris Colby Freshman  
Hi-My name is Chris and I have lived with Depression for more than 35 years now and up until 7 years ago I had no clue as to what was wrong with me. All I knew back then was that I was thinking of suicide a lot and it scared the hell out of me.Then one day I was at the store   picking up a script for my mom and while I was waiting I happened to read an article by a guy who had tried suicide several times and he talked about the things that went through his head and how his life was a nightmare of different depression symptoms and their effects on him and his family.

As I read this mans story I was totally amazed because what he was saying about depression was evrything I was experiancing in my lifemare. I wish now that I had saved that article and the mans name because I owe my life to him. I realized what was going on with me and went to the doctor and discussed it with him and he put me on celexa and while things are'nt perfect in my life now, I don't have the thoughts of suicide any more and I am a happier person, but I still have a ways to go.

Thats why I bought a pre-made web site dealing with Depression and just this last week I started building a lens at Squidoo about depression. The squidoo experiance has been an incredible thing for me. Once I started building my lens I just couldn't stop working on it, as funny as it may seem it's a very Therapudic thing.

I'm learning more about depression anxiety and stress than I thought I ever would and have decided to try and make a living building and selling lens on squidoo. Thats the reason I went to squidoo to begin with, I read an e-book on how to build and flip a lens on squidoo. I am going to keep my first site dealing with depression I kinda like it.


So if you feel it's worth your time Please get the word out about my sites, they may do some good for some one I hope.

Thank You Chris Colby   http://www.squidoo.com/defeatingdepression



P.S. why don't they have spell check on this editor??
May 11th 2008 11:12

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Chris, welcome to the group. All of us here deal with depression in some form whether it is due to loss or actual clinical depression. We all have some to contribute and something to learn. Thanks for joining and we look forward to having you be an active member of the group!
May 11th 2008 11:37   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Crhis, and welcome to the group. As Cheryl says, we've all dealt with depression, and
know just how you feel.

You've discovered that to deal with the problem, you first have to know you have one, and
talk to someone about it. That's great.

We're glad you're here! :-)

May 11th 2008 18:32   
SANDY Innovator   
I am really glad you found the help you needed
May 13th 2008 22:03   
David Schupbach Senior   
HI Chris, Welcome to the group!
Enjoyed your contribution, I founded this group for people who have faced the problems we have faced!
For my FULL story, read: http://morambler.wordpress.com/ (not the latest post, but browse through the archives)

Spell Check was a part of the apsense editor for a while, but dissapeared some time back. must have been causing problems I guess.
May 17th 2008 05:36   
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