Quality Content Writers Group

But it isn't really funny - is it?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I have just started a blog in a humourous mood because I really did find what had happened very funny.


Since that post, and it is literally, only minutes ago, I have received two more emails (a different version) that were simply copied and pasted from my own.

This type of activity, trying to deny anybody their rightful credit, seems to be rife. It has always been something I have been aware of and my opinion of the intelligence quotients of internet marketers (which is on record) has not been improved much by this.

Is it really so difficult to see that my emails are NOT the standard that is generally used and that, if you signed up from MY link, it would be a little unwise to send me MY email to try to get ME to sign up under YOU?

Why, just because gurus say you can, do people feel that it is OK to cut the affiliate ID from a link?

What do they think they are gaining? If they are buying something, they are paying the same price and, instead of commission being paid to the affiliate, all proceeds go to the supplier even though he had nothing to do with finding that particular customer.

This is a matter that will cause me to spend some time considering since my attempts to enter internet marketing will be under-mined if I simply trust people. What sort of a world do these people inhabit? 
Apr 11th 2008 04:36

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
In the world they inhabit it's just fine to lie cheat and steal your way to success. They just don't try to hide it like the older business men did.
Apr 11th 2008 06:40   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
It is incredible the bare faced cheek of some desparate or unethical people online.

You work hard to write an original advert or invitation and someone steals your stuff without even a "thank you" and tries to sabotage your efforts. It is understandable that a lot of people are cynical about the stuff that goes out on the internet.

Regretably people abuse the anonymity factor of working on the net to turn the whole place into a very dubious medium to do business.

I dont know whether it is greed, envy or just plain stupidity but they really are killing of the goose that laid the golden egg.

Apr 11th 2008 08:34   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
It´s because of these absurd scenarios I have started a group on the traffic exchange called TrafficEra, and here is the link to it, http://www.trafficera.com/members/?a=groups&b=viewgroup&gid=858.

The group is called Ethic Code in TrafficEra.

I have heard another scary thing about downlines, namely that once a member has signed up under a sponsor they would have the possibility to change sponsor afterwards!

Not in the companies I represent though!

Have they no respect for ethical rules at all, some networkers??

This is on a so low level, that it´s pathetic!!

No, let there be an awakening to an acceptable moral standard instead!
Apr 13th 2008 06:17   
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