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Bloody time outs!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I tried to post this comment in answer to a question on another blog but it seems that I didn't type my answer quickly enough.

Not to worry - I think it fits better, here, as a subject for derision discussion.

That is an interesting question you have posed but before I answer it I will ask you one.

Looking at your matrix of 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 it is clear that the top 5 will have a combined down line of 3,125. (I'll ignore the possibility of greater numbers caused by the creation of cells) If each member of their down lines was to emulate them and complete a matrix they would need to recruit 9,750,000 in their combined down lines.

This is where programmes that rely to a great extent on recruitment fall flat on their ugly faces. It is simply not possible to fill a matrix five wide and five deep and still have potential for the later arrivals to create their own complete matrices. Don't forget I am only talking about the requirements of the top five people. Looking at the top fifty and assuming they all have a completed matrix, then their combined downlines require to recruit 97,500,000 to fill their own matrices - and let's not forget that every member will be being told to recruit, recruit, recruit as well as spend money playing games that are free elsewhere.

Simple question - Does that sound a viable business model to you?

As for your question - I would rather be my own boss and fail or fall by my own efforts rather than trying to rely upon the efforts of others who don't have my aptitudes, may not be trainable and who, after a while, would discover the futility of trying to fill an impossible to fill matrix. 
Mar 31st 2008 12:14

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
You know Arthur that whole scenario looks real familiar sort of like the kind of structure they tell you about with those "gifting" programs.
Mar 31st 2008 14:58   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
To me that is way to big, I do use many matrix programs, but it has to look after the little guy, this seems doomed to fail or loose members as it will not pay & reward properly.

Saying that however it does depend on whether free members are in the matrix, what the levels of percentage pay, and how much they give back.

There is definately more needed to be known on this one, further investigation I think!
Mar 31st 2008 15:59   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Cheryl and Lisa,

I deliberately left off the name of the programme because it is the principle of the thing that is so destructive.

So many times we hear things like "once you fill your matrix........." but it simply is not possible to do that with a matrix of more than two levels without leaving the late arrivals treading water in an effort not to drown.

And that, as they say, is why I posted it here rather than try to find the blog that I got timed out on.

With any matrix of multiple levels, the model is not sustainable and this message just isn't being heard.
Mar 31st 2008 16:27   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I made this same point with the gifting programs, There is now way everyone is going to get rich. the money stays at the top of the pyramid period
Mar 31st 2008 17:16   
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